Clarifications and updated definitions for Forensic Testing Laboratories

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required

Customers shall integrate the updated definitions and clarifications to their management system and adjust operations accordingly.


Affected customers

Customers, applicants and assessors in the Forensic Program Specialty Area of the Laboratory Accreditation Program. 



The SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Accreditation for Forensic Testing Laboratories published on 2021-06-20 is undergoing a committee review and overhaul. In the interim, the following items require timely clarification. 

The contents of this bulletin shall be used in conjunction with the current Requirements and Guidance document until the new version is published. Should there be any contradictions or discrepancies between the bulletin and the currently published Requirement and Guidance document, the information in this bulletin shall be taken as correct.

Updated definitions and clarifications

Terms and definitions

  • Annual: Once every 12 calendar months or no later than the last day of the same calendar month of the following year.
  • Semi-Annually: Occurring twice in an annual period.
  • Calendar Year: 12 months from January 1 to December 31 of a given year.
  • Two Year Cycle: A period of 24 calendar months, or no later than the last day of the same calendar month two years later.
  • Platform: The operating system the laboratory uses for a specific task or set of tasks as applicable. Usually referring to the combination of hardware and software for said task(s).
  • CODIS (or DNA Database): Specific to appendices 3 and 5 is the Combined DNA Index System (or equivalent) and is used by databasing and forensic DNA laboratories to store and compare DNA profiles using a standard secure format for either criminal or humanitarian purposes as applicable to the work and needs of the laboratory.
  • Intermediate Checks: or Verifications of Equipment, are measurements of devices in smaller increments of time than your calibration cycle, to verify that it's still within the bounds of acceptable performance.



Throughout the document, "performance checks" are to be considered as "intermediate checks" to match the language in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.


Section - omit "When applicable" in the opening line.


ANNEX C: DNA Testing for Immigration Purposes is an excerpt from the requirements found on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website specific to accredited forensic laboratories. In the case of any discrepancies the current version of the document shall overrule.


For the purposes of continuing education, in-person and virtual options are acceptable. This is the same for on-site visits to subcontracted laboratories, provided that the laboratory can demonstrate that the activity meets the objectives.


In Appendices 3 and 5, the term "DNA typing" is replaced with "DNA profiling".


The use of the terms “method” and “methodology” may be used interchangeably throughout the document. 


The PT Requirements for staff in Appendices 3 and 5 are harmonized, with the requirement being once in a two-year cycle.


Requirement 7.2.7 is an appropriate and available Certified Reference Material or a reference material where the lab can demonstrate or establish metrological traceability. Omit the reference to NIST.


In Appendix 3, requirement, three (3) months of experience is required instead the current published six (6) months of experience.


New requirements




Laboratories accredited within the Forensic Laboratory Accreditation Program Specialty Area are to incorporate the above items by 2023-04-19.


Changes made will be assessed during their next assessment.



Please contact Vivek Kulasingham, Manager Compliance and Assessment Services at or +1-613-238-3222 for more information.