2019 Requirements & Guidance – Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations – Clause 4.2.2 Availability in both Official Languages and 6.10.1 Periodic Maintenance

Bulletin date:
Bulletin number:

Action required

All SCC-accredited Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) are required to take note of the clarification to clause 4.2.2 and the correction to the French version of clause 6.10.1 of the 2019 edition of SCC Requirements & Guidance – Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations (RG-SDO) as noted below.


Affected customers

SDOs participating in the SCC’s Accreditation Program for Standards Development Organizations (SDOAP) 



The SCC Requirements & Guidance – Accreditation of Standards Development Organizations was approved by SCC’s Governing Council on June 13th, 2019. As a result of discussions with regards to an SDO contract for the development of standards, the need for a clarification for clause 4.2.2 was identified. Additionally, as a result of a recent assessment activity, the need for a correction in the French version of clause 6.10.1 was identified.


New requirements

Summary of changes:


Clause 4.2.2

It has been highlighted that the current text in the requirement may be interpreted by the user to include flexibility regarding publication of English and French versions of NSCs. The intent of the requirement is simultaneous publication of English and French versions of NSCs. Note that SCC will be clarifying the text by including the term “simultaneous” in the upcoming 2021 update to RG-SDO.


Clause 6.10.1

During the translation to French of clause 6.10.1 an error was inadvertently introduced. The current text may be interpreted by the user to provide additional time beyond the 5-year prescribed timeframe to complete the review activity in the periodic maintenance option. The intent of the requirement is to complete the review activity in the periodic maintenance option within the 5-year timeframe.  Note that SCC will be correcting the French text in the upcoming 2021 update to RG-SDO.



  • The clarification to clause 4.2.2 is effective as of 2020-09-30
  • The correction to the French version of clause 6.10.1 is effective as of 2020-09-30



Please communicate with your assigned Account Manager.