Headshot of Colin Clark

Colin Clark


Colin Clark is Chief Technical Officer of Brookfield Renewable. He is the senior executive providing global leadership of the engineering and technical aspects of the power businesses of Brookfield. He was previously President and CEO and a Director of Brookfield subsidiary Great Lakes Power Limited. Mr. Clark was also Senior Vice-President, Operations of Brookfield Power Corporation, where he was responsible for the operations of all of Brookfield’s generation, transmission, and distribution businesses in North America.


Mr. Clark has more than 40 years of experience in the electric power generation, transmission and distribution sectors. His duties have included engineering and senior management in all areas of electric utility operations, covering design, construction, maintenance, system operations, and development. Mr. Clark has also had executive accountability or direct management responsibility for the design, construction, or evaluation of many electric power generation, transmission, and distribution projects.


Mr. Clark is also a Professional Engineer, Vice-Chair and Acting Chair of the Governing Council, Standards Council of Canada (SCC); President of the Canadian National Committee, International Electrotechnical Commission (CANC/IEC); Member, Council Board, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC); Founding Life Member, Former Director, and Past Chair, Canadian Hydropower Association (CHA, now WaterPower Canada); Member of the Board of Directors, Vice-President, and Chair of the Hydropower Strategy Committee, and former Chair of the Governance and Finance Committee, International Hydropower Association (IHA); Former Chair of the Generation Council, Canadian Electricity Association (CEA); Founding Member and former Co-Chair, Ontario Waterpower Association (OWA); Member of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Hydraulic Energy Group of CANMET, Natural Resources Canada; and Life Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). He has also been an active member or director of numerous other industry associations, advisory bodies, boards, councils, and committees.


Mr. Clark was recipient of the Power and Energy Society Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2010 and 2016 from IEEE, and he was awarded the IEEE Canada R. H. Tanner Industry Leadership Medal for 2011. In 2018, Mr. Clark was the recipient of the first CHA President's Award. In 2015, Mr. Clark was inducted as a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada.