Ice cream and milk ice — Determination of total solids content (Reference method)
Specifies a method, the principle of which consists in drying, at 102 degrees centigrade, a known quality of the sample, diluted with water and mixed with sand, to constant mass, then followed by weighing to determine the mass of the residue. Special notes on sampling are given in the annex which, however, is valid only until the publication of ISO 707.
Safety in electro-heat installations - Part 4: Particular requirements for arc furnace installations
Applies in particular to direct arc furnaces and submerged arc furnaces (or arc resistance furnaces). Applies to that part of the installation which is situated on the output side of the furnace feeding transformer. This publication has the status of a report.
Test method for evaluating resistance to tracking and erosion of electrical insulating materials use...
Describes two test methods (constant tracking voltage and stepwise tracking voltage) for the evaluation of electrical insulating materials for use under severe ambient conditions and power frequencies (48 Hz to 62 Hz) by measurement of the resistance to tracking and erosion.
Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.
Guide d'information pour essais subjectifs sur récepteurs de télévision
Spécifie le mode opératoire utilisé pour l'évaluation subjective visuelle de la qualité de l'image apparaissant sur l'écran de récepteurs de télévision. Spécifie les programmes, la salle et les conditions d'observation, le nombre et la qualification des membres du jury ainsi que leurs conditions de travail. Les essais d'évaluation visuelle sont effectués par comparaison…
Compatibilité électromagnétique des installations électriques et électroniques à bord des navires
Guide pratique d'installations permettant d'obtenir un certain degré de compatibilité électromagnétique dans le domaine des fréquences comprises entre 10 kHz et 30 MHz et dans l'environnement électromagnétique propre aux navires. Classification du matériel et des installations. Méthodes normales de mesures et prescriptions normales. Règles pratiques concernant le choix des câbles,…
Potentiometers - Part 3: Sectional specification:
Single-turn rotary wirewound and non-wirewound pre...
This publication also bears the number QC 410400 which is the specification number in the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ).
Applies to single-turn rotary precision potentiometers intended for use in electronic equipment and which may be either servo or manually operated.
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 5: Sectional specification: Fixed mica diele...
This publication also bears a QC number. This number, QC 301000, is the specification number in the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ). Prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics, selects from IEC 384-1 (1982) the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and gives general perfomance requirements for this type of capacitor.
Part 4: Sectional specification: Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid or non-solid electroly...
Replaces IEC 103. This publication also bears a QC number. This number, QC 300300, is the specification number in the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ).
Prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics and selects from IEC 384-1 (1982) the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and gives general performance requirements for this type of…
Thermal-mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string insulator units
Applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin type as well as of the long rod type with insulating parts of ceramic material or glass intended for a.c. and d.c. overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000 V and also to insulators of similar design when used in substations. Note -This publication should be read in conjunction with IEC 60383.
Essai d'endurance thermomécanique et essai d'endurance mécanique des éléments de chaînes d...
S'applique aux éléments d'isolateurs du type capot et tige ainsi que du type fût long avec parties isolantes en céramique ou en verre pour lignes aériennes fonctionnant en courant alternatif et en courant continu sous une tension nominale supérieure à 1 000 V, ainsi qu'aux isolateurs du même type utilisés dans les sous-stations. Note: - Cette publication est à consulter…