Applicable to all situations in which it is necessary or desirable to indicate publicity the location and/or the nature of means of giving warning of fire and manual controls; means of escape from fire; means of fire-fighting; means of preventing fire spreading; areas or materials of special fire risk. Does not apply to graphical symbols used on plans or maps.
Colours of gold alloys — Definition, range of colours and designation
Specifies a limited number of colours to assist trading. The test is performed by spectral reflectance measurement in accordance with CIE Publication No 38.
Guidelines for Calculating Derived Release Limits for Radioactive Material
in Airborne and Liquid ...
1. Scope
1.1 General
This Standard applies to airborne and liquid effluents associated with the normal operation of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants. It provides guidelines and a methodology for calculating the upper limits (the Derived Release Limits) for the rate of release of radionuclides discharged into the atmosphere and surface waters, based on limiting radiation exposures to members…
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 15: Electrical apparatus with type of prote...
Specifies requirements for the construction, assessment and testing of electrical apparatus with type of protection 'n' which, when operating normally within its rated duty, is unlikely to be capable of igniting a surrounding explosive gas atmosphere. This publication has the status of a report.
Spécifie les règles de construction, d'évaluation et d'épreuves de matériel électrique avec mode de protection «n» qui, lorsqu'il fonctionne normalement à son service assigné, n'est pas susceptible d'enflammer une atmosphère explosive gazeuse environnante. Cette publication a le statut d'un rapport.
Environmental testing. Part 2: Tests. Test Ea and guidance: Shock
Applies to components, equipment and other electrotechnical products which, during transportation or in use, may be subjected to relatively infrequent non-repetitive shocks. Provides a procedure for determining the ability of a specimen to withstand specified severities of shock.
Has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104.
Essais d'environnement. Deuxième partie: Essais. Essai Ea et guide: Chocs
Applicable aux composants, matériels et autres produits électrotechniques qui peuvent pendant leur transport ou leur utilisation, être soumis à des chocs non répétitifs, et relativement peu fréquents. Cet essai a pour objet de donner des règles d'exécution normalisées pour déterminer l'aptitude d'un spécimen à supporter des sévérités de chocs spécifiées.
A le statut d'une…