Information technology - Data centre facilities and infrastructures - Part 1: General concepts
This document:
a) describes the general principles for data centres upon which the requirements of the ISO/IEC22237 series are based;
b) defines the common aspects of data centres including terminology, parameters and reference models (functional elements and their accommodation) addressing both the size and complexity of their intended purpose;
c) describes general aspects of the facilities and…
Sites de déchets solides au sein des collectivités nordiques : De la planification à la période suiv...
1 Domaine d’application
1.1 Objet
Cette norme vise la gestion des installations pour DSM, notamment l’évaluation, la planification, le
choix de l’emplacement, la conception, la mise en oeuvre, la surveillance et l’entretien de ces
installations, et comprend des stratégies de gestion des risques liés à la pollution et des mesures
d’atténuation des risques pour les infrastructures nouvelles et…
Characterization of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard pertains to the characterization of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel. This Standard
specifies the overall requirements for establishing and implementing a waste characterization strategy, program, and plan;
specifies methodologies for the sampling and characterization of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel;
provides guidance for the timing…
Acoustics — Acoustic quality of open office spaces
This document provides technical guidance to achieve acoustic quality of open office spaces to support dialogue and formal commitment between the various stakeholders involved in the planning, design, construction or layout of open-plan workspaces: end customers, project owners, prescribers, consultants, etc.
It is applicable to all open-plan offices in which the following activities are…
Solid waste sites in northern communities: From planning to post-closure
1 Scope
1.1 Purpose
This Standard applies to the management of northern MSW facilities, including the evaluation, planning,
siting, design, implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of MSW facilities and includes pollution
risk management strategies and mitigation measures for new and existing infrastructure in northern
communities. This Standard provides
a) procedures for planning,…
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 10: Mari...
This document provides requirements and guidelines for marine geophysical investigations. It is applicable to operators/end users, contractors and public and regulatory authorities concerned with marine site investigations for offshore structures for petroleum and natural gas industries.
This document provides requirements, specifications, and guidance for:
a) objectives, planning, and quality…
Technical guidelines for the development of small hydropower plants — Part 3: Design principles and ...
This document specifies the general principles and basic requirements of design for small hydropower (SHP) projects up to 30 MWe, mainly including hydrology, geology, energy calculations, project layout, hydraulics, electromechanical equipment selection, construction planning, project cost estimates, economic appraisal, social and environmental assessments.
Application of this document is…
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Fixed steel offshore structures
This document specifies requirements and provides recommendations applicable to the following types of fixed steel offshore structures for the petroleum and natural gas industries:
? caissons, free-standing and braced;
? jackets;
? monotowers;
? towers.
In addition, it is applicable to compliant bottom founded structures, steel gravity structures, jack-ups, other bottom founded structures and…
Erosion and sediment control installation and maintenance
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard outlines installation and maintenance requirements associated with a number of commonly used ESC measures. In addition, this Standard provides general best practice guidance for installing and maintaining ESC measures in conjunction with construction activity, including standardized guidance with respect to adhering to product manufacturer instructions. This…
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Opérations en Arctique — Fuite, évacuation et sauvetage de...
Le présent document établit les principes, spécifie les exigences et fournit des recommandations pour l'élaboration et la mise en œuvre d'un plan de fuite, évacuation et sauvetage (EER). Il s'applique aux différentes activités d'une installation en mer liées aux industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel dans les régions arctiques et froides, incluant la conception, la…