Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Soil — Part 2: Guidance for the selection of the s...
ISO 18589-2:2007 specifies the general requirements, based on ISO 11074 and ISO/IEC 17025, for all steps in the planning (desk study and area reconnaissance) of the sampling and the preparation of samples for testing. It includes the selection of the sampling strategy, the outline of the sampling plan, the presentation of general sampling methods and equipment, as well as the methodology of the…
Mesurage de la radioactivité dans l'environnement — Sol — Partie 2: Lignes directrices pour la ...
L'ISO 18589-2:2007 spécifie les exigences générales pour réaliser, sur la base de l'ISO 11074 et de l'ISO/CEI 17025, toutes les phases de planification (étude théorique et reconnaissance sur le terrain) de l'échantillonnage et de la préparation des échantillons pour essai. Elle inclut la sélection de la stratégie d'échantillonnage, l'élaboration du plan d'…
1 Scope
This Standard applies to interim dry storage systems for irradiated fuel.
This Standard specifies requirements for the site selection, design, construction, commissioning,
operation, and decommissioning of dry storage systems. Dry storage systems include all facilities,
structures, support services, and equipment required for
(a) transferring irradiated fuel
(i) from wet…
Soil quality — Sampling — Part 5: Guidance on the procedure for the investigation of urban and indus...
ISO 10381-5:2005 gives guidance on the procedure for the investigation of urban and industrial sites, where either it is known that soil contamination is present, or the presence of soil contamination is suspected. ISO 10381-5:2005 is applicable where there is a need to establish the contamination status of the site, or there is a need to establish the environmental quality of the site for other…
Qualité du sol — Échantillonnage — Partie 5: Lignes directrices pour la procédure d'investigat...
L'ISO 10381-5:2005 donne des lignes directrices pour la procédure d'investigation de sites urbains et industriels sur lesquels une pollution est avérée ou suspectée. L'ISO 10381-5:2005 s'applique également lorsqu'il est nécessaire de définir l'état de pollution du site ou d'évaluer la qualité environnementale du site à d'autres fins.
L'ISO 10381-5:2005…
Measurement of radioactivity in the environment — Soil — Part 1: General guidelines and definitions
ISO 18589-1:2005 specifies the general requirements to carry out radionuclides tests on soil sample, including sampling.
ISO 18589-1:2005 is addressed to people responsible for determining the radioactivity present in soils for the purpose of radiation protection. This may concern soils from gardens and farmland, urban or industrial sites, as well as soil not affected by human activities.
Géosynthétiques — Détermination des caractéristiques de frottement — Partie 2: Essai sur plan inclin...
L'ISO 12957-2:2005 décrit une méthode de détermination des caractéristiques en frottement des géosynthétiques (géotextiles et produits apparentés, géomembranes et produits apparentés), en contact avec divers sols, sous contrainte normale faible, en utilisant un appareillage à plan incliné.
Cette méthode d'essai est avant tout un essai de performance qui doit être conduit en utilisant…
1 Scope
1.1 Purpose
This Standard specifies technical requirements on how to make buildings and other facilities accessible and safely usable by persons with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities.
Temporary buildings and facilities provided for public use should also comply with the technical requirements of this Standard. Such temporary facilities may include teaching…
Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Sampling
ISO 6257:2002 specifies methods for sampling and preparing samples prior to testing of binder pitch used in the manufacture of electrodes for the electrolytic production of aluminium.
These methods are applicable to grades of pitch in liquid or solid form, the latter having softening points higher than 30 °C (determined according to the method specified in ISO 5940), in bulk, or in a number of…
Environmental Management - Environmental Assessment of Sites and Organizations (EASO)
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 14015:2001.
1 Scope
This International Standard provides guidance on how to conduct an EASO through
a systematic process of identifying environmental aspects and environmental
issues and determining, if appropriate, their business consequences.
This International Standard covers the roles and responsibilities…