Plastics — Use of polyethylene reference specimens (PERS) for monitoring laboratory and outdoor weat...
ISO/TR 19032:2006 describes a method that demonstrates the use of polyethylene reference specimens (PERS) for monitoring laboratory and outdoor conditions in weathering tests used for plastics.
Reaction to fire tests — Spread of flame — Part 2: Lateral spread on building and transport products...
ISO 5658-2:2006 specifies a method of test for measuring the lateral spread of flame along the surface of a specimen of a product orientated in the vertical position. ISO 5658-2:2006 provides data suitable for comparing the performance of essentially flat materials, composites or assemblies that are used primarily as the exposed surfaces of walls in buildings and transport vehicles, such as ships…
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-12: Testing and measurement techniques - Ring wave immu...
This part of IEC 61000 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment, under operational conditions, to non-repetitive damped oscillatory transients (ring waves) occurring in low-voltage power, control and signal lines supplied by public and non-public networks. The object of this basic standard is to establish the immunity requirements and a common…
Pulps — Estimation of dirt and shives — Part 4: Instrumental inspection by reflected light using Equ...
ISO 5350-4:2006 specifies a method using instrumental inspection by reflected light for the estimation of visible dirt and shives in pulp manufactured in sheets, in terms of Equivalent Black Area (EBA) of dirt specks within the physical area range of 0,02 mm2 to 3,0 mm2. Using the algorithm prescribed in ISO 5350-4:2006, the maximum dirt size is limited to 3,0 mm2. Extension to other speck sizes…
Leather — Physical and mechanical tests — Determination of fogging characteristics
ISO 17071:2006 specifies two alternative methods for determining the fogging characteristics of leathers used in the passenger compartments of motor vehicles, namely Method A and Method B. These are two different test procedures to measure the volatile components and there is no mathematical correlation between the results obtained with Method A and those with Method B.
Method A determines by…
Béton préfabriqué - Constituants et exécution des travaux
1 Domaine d'application
1.1 Généralités
Cette norme établit les exigences applicables aux constituants et aux méthodes de fabrication, de transport et de mise en place du béton préfabriqué architectural, structural et spécial.
Note : Cette norme devrait être prescrite pour les éléments en béton préfabriqué utilisés dans la construction
à voussoirs.
1.2 Dessins d'atelier