High-voltage cable plug and socket connections for medical X-ray equipment - Essential dimensions, m...
Deals with essential dimensions to ensure mechanical interchangeability recommended dimensions, wiring connections to contacts of plug and socket, and marking of contacts of plug and socket.
Acceptance inspection of Class 2 alternating-current watthour meters
Methods for acceptance inspection (100% inspection and statistical sampling inspection) and testing of newly manufactured direct connected induction type watthour meters of Class 2 which are produced and delivered in large quantities. For type tests see IEC 60521. This publication has the status of a report.
Oil Fired Warm Air Heating Appliances for Mobile Housing and Recreational
1. Scope
1.1 These requirements apply to flue-connected oil-fired forced warm air heating appliances which provide complete separation of the combustion system, including the air for combustion and flue products from the atmosphere of the living space, for installation in mobile housing and recreational vehicles, irrespective of the heating capacity or the type of burner used.
Aircraft — Connections for starting engines by air
Specifies the dimensions which are necessary to ensure international interchangeability of connectors with adaptors. Also gives the minimum clearances required on the aircraft to provide adequate access for the ground adaptor. The basic dimensions and tolerances for connections on aircraft and the minimum clearances around the connector, on the aircraft, are given in figure 1 and table 1 and…
Specifies the envelope dimensions of axial type nipples and determines the clearance space which shall be provided in the region of the nipple to allow the lubricating gun to be connected, and the operating angle dimensions for the lubricating process. The tip design of the nipples is optional provided the profile remains within the envelope shown in figure 1.
Rock drilling — Rotary drill-rods and rotary drill-bits for dry drilling — Connecting dimensions
Specifies the connecting dimensions for drill-rods and the shanks of drill-bits. In addition, an example is given for wet drilling. Tabulates dimensions in millimetres and inches; some figures illustrate shapes and reference quantities of concern.
1.1 This Standard applies to complete, flue-connected, oil-fired warm air
appliances, irrespective of the heating capacity or the type of burner used.
1.2 The requirements given herein apply to appliances intended for
installation with the appliance base placed upon the floor, except as provided
for in Clause 1.4; and intended to be used with pipes or ducts for the…