Appareillage à basse tension - Partie 5-2: Appareils et éléments decommutation pour circuits de comm...
La CEI 60947-5-2:2007+A1:2012 s'applique aux détecteurs de proximité inductifs et capacitifs qui détectent la présence d'objets métalliques et/ou non métalliques, aux détecteurs de proximité ultrasoniques qui détectent la présence d'objets réfléchissants les ultrasons, aux détecteurs de proximité photoélectriques qui détectent la présence d'objets et aux détecteurs de…
Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on rolling stock
IEC 60571:2012 covers the conditions of operation, design, construction, and testing of electronic equipment, as well as basic hardware and software requirements considered necessary for competent, reliable equipment. Applies to all electronic equipment for control, regulation, protection, supply, etc., installed on rail vehicles and associated with: either the accumulator battery of the vehicle…
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 111: Automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupte...
IEC 62271-111:2012(E) applies to all overhead, pad mounted, dry vault and submersible single or multi-pole alternating current automatic circuit reclosers and fault interrupters for rated maximum voltages above 1 000 V and up to 38 kV. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2005, and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous…
Steel for the reinforcement of concrete — Headed bars — Part 1: Requirements
This part of ISO 15698 specifies requirements for headed steel bars to be used as reinforcement of
concrete structures.
This part of ISO 15698 is a product standard and not an application standard. It is intended to cover a large
variety of products and also to support the development of new products.
This part of ISO 15698 specifies requirements for headed reinforcing bars with heads made of…
Ships and marine technology — Large yachts — Deck crane and access gangways strength requirements
ISO 11209:2012 gives guidelines for the minimum structural scantling of lifting appliances for large yachts.
It is applicable to the following lifting appliances:
· cranes;
· access gangways (including side ladders);
· access gangways when used as a lifting appliance.
ISO 11209:2012 is not applicable to lifting means for life saving appliances, which are covered by…
Road vehicles — Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections — Pa...
ISO/TS 19072-4:2012 defines the general minimum specifications of a type 2 two-way connection interface, linking the pyrotechnic device and harness connector built into a road vehicle.
A three-way with ground variant of the pyrotechnic device/initiator harness connector assembly is also defined.
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Services for ...
ISO/IEC 18051:2012 specifies the Services and Event Reports for Computer-Supported Telecommunications Applications, Phase III (CSTA).
It is focused on providing application service interfaces to a Switching Function, Computing Function and a Special Resource Function. A CSTA application interface is disassociated from the various user-network interfaces and network-network interfaces CSTA…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Services for ...
ISO/IEC 18051:2012 specifies the Services and Event Reports for Computer-Supported Telecommunications Applications, Phase III (CSTA).
It is focused on providing application service interfaces to a Switching Function, Computing Function and a Special Resource Function. A CSTA application interface is disassociated from the various user-network interfaces and network-network interfaces CSTA…