Radio-frequency connectors - Part 42: Sectional specification for CQN series quick lock RF coaxial c...
IEC 61169-42:2013 provides information and rules for the preparation of detail specifications (DS) for CQN series RF coaxial connectors, with characteristic impedance of 50 Ohms, with threaded coupling and operating frequency limit up to 11 GHz, used in wireless, microwave, telecommunication, and other fields, connecting with RF cables or micro-strips. It also prescribes mating face dimensions…
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 42: Sectional specification for CQN series quick lock RF coaxial c...
IEC 61169-42:2013 provides information and rules for the preparation of detail specifications (DS) for CQN series RF coaxial connectors, with characteristic impedance of 50 Ohms, with threaded coupling and operating frequency limit up to 11 GHz, used in wireless, microwave, telecommunication, and other fields, connecting with RF cables or micro-strips. It also prescribes mating face dimensions…
Information technology - Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) - Part 4: Protoc...
The ISO/IEC 20944 series of International Standards provides the bindings and their interoperability for metadata registries, such as those specified in the ISO/IEC 11179 series of International Standards. ISO/IEC 20944-4:2013 contains provisions that are common to protocol bindings and the protocol bindings themselves. The protocol bindings have commonality in their conceptualization of the…
Information technology — Metadata Registries Interoperability and Bindings (MDR-IB) — Part 4: Protoc...
The ISO/IEC 20944 series of International Standards provides the bindings and their interoperability for metadata registries, such as those specified in the ISO/IEC 11179 series of International Standards. ISO/IEC 20944-4:2013 contains provisions that are common to protocol bindings and the protocol bindings themselves. The protocol bindings have commonality in their conceptualization of the…
Wire connectors (Tri-national standard, with UL 486A-486B and NMX-J-543-ANCE)
1.1 This Standard applies to single-polarity connectors for use with all alloys of copper or aluminum, or copper-clad aluminum conductors, or all three, for providing contacts between current-carrying parts, in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, C22.1, in Canada, the National Electrical Code, NFPA-70, in the United States of America, or the Standard for Electrical…
Information technology — Object Management Group — Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)...
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 19500 specifies a comprehensive, flexible approach to supporting networks of objects that are
distributed across and managed by multiple, heterogeneous CORBA-compliant Object Request Brokers (ORBs). The
approach to inter-ORB operation is universal, because elements can be combined in many ways to satisfy a very broad
range of needs.
This part of ISO/IEC 19500 covers…
Splicing wire connectors (Tri-national standard, with UL 486C and NXM-J- 548-ANCE)
1.1 This Standard applies to single-polarity, hand- or tool-applied splicing wire and cable connectors intended for use with all alloys of copper, aluminum conductors, or copper-clad aluminum conductors, or all three, in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code Part I, C22.1, in Canada, the National Electrical Code, NFPA-70, in the United States of America, or the Standard for…
Standard for Equipment for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems
1.1 This Standard covers requirements for fire signal receiving centres and systems, which include
transmitting and receiving equipment, proprietary fire signal receiving centre equipment and control unit
accessories for use in accordance with the following:
A CAN/ULC-S524, Installation of Fire Alarm Systems;
B CAN/ULC-S561, Standard for the Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving…
Systems and software engineering — Systems and software assurance —
Part 2: Assurance case
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 15026 specifies minimum requirements for the structure and contents of an assurance
case. An assurance case includes a top-level claim for a property of a system or product (or set of claims),
systematic argumentation regarding this claim, and the evidence and explicit assumptions that underlie this
argumentation. Arguing through multiple levels of subordinate claims…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Corporate tel...
1 Scope
Mobility for enterprise communications is the ability for persons and objects (e.g. vehicles, sensors and other
machines) belonging to the enterprise to use communication and information services regardless of changes
in their physical location. This includes also the ability to be reached by other persons or objects for
This Technical Report encompasses the mobility of…