Hydraulic fluid power — Dimensions and requirements for screw-to-connect quick-action couplings for ...
ISO 14540:2013 specifies dimensional and performance requirements for
hydraulic screw-to-connect quick-action couplings designed to be used at
pressure of 72 MPa (720 bar) in static conditions as an interface between a
hydraulic power unit and a tool. Typical applications for these couplings are
related to hydraulic jacks, rams, clamping devices, hand tools, and
ISO 14540:2013…
Electrical insulating materials and systems - General method of evaluation of electrical endurance u...
La CEI 62068:2013 s'applique au matériel électrique, indépendamment de la tension, comprenant un système d'isolation:
- connecté à une alimentation électronique, et
- nécessitant une évaluation de l'endurance de l'isolation soumise à des impulsions de tension appliquées périodiquement. Cette norme propose une procédure générale d'essai afin de faciliter la sélection des…
Matériaux et systèmes d'isolation électriques - Méthode génerale d'évaluation de l...
La CEI 62068:2013 s'applique au matériel électrique, indépendamment de la tension, comprenant un système d'isolation:
- connecté à une alimentation électronique, et
- nécessitant une évaluation de l'endurance de l'isolation soumise à des impulsions de tension appliquées périodiquement. Cette norme propose une procédure générale d'essai afin de faciliter la sélection des…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Close proximi...
ISO/IEC 17568:2012 specifies a connection layer (CNL) and a physical layer (PHY) for transferring data between two close proximity entities using electric induction coupling.
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Close proximi...
ISO/IEC 17568:2012 specifies a connection layer (CNL) and a physical layer (PHY) for transferring data between two close proximity entities using electric induction coupling.
This Standard specifies requirements for adjustable speed drives with respect to electrical, thermal, and energy safety considerations. It applies to adjustable speed a.c. and d.c. electric drives connected to line voltages up to 34.5 kV, 50 Hz, or 60 Hz.
This Standard applies to the following:
a) power conversion, drive control equipment and interface circuits; and
b) servo…
Grounding and bonding equipment (Tri-national standard, with NMX-J-590-ANCE and UL 467)
1.1 This Standard applies to grounding and bonding equipment for use in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, CSA C22.1, in Canada, the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, in the United States, or the Standard for Electrical Installations, NOM-001-SEDE, in Mexico.
1.2 This Standard applies to the following grounding and bonding equipment:
a) ground clamps, bonding…
This Standard applies to self-contained and remote refrigeration equipment, designed to be installed and used in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, for use in non-hazardous locations indoors or outdoors in commercial and business establishments.
This Standard also applies to self-contained, cord-connected equipment rated at not more than 250V with branch…
Household dishwashers (Bi-national standard with UL 749)
1.1 This Standard applies to electric household dishwashers intended to be used in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part I, C22.1, General Requirements - Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), Part II, C22.2 No. 0-10, and the National Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70, on circuits having a nominal voltage not exceeding 250 V.
1.2 This Standard applies to…