Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for station...
IEC 60335-2-6:2014 deals with the safety of stationary electric cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances for household use, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other appliances. This International Standard also includes some requirements for ovens that are intended to be used on board ships.…
Steel wire ropes — Pulling eyes for rope installation — Types and minimum requirements
ISO 16841:2014 identifies the different types of pulling eyes prepared at, or attached to, a steel wire rope end for connection to another rope when installing a new rope or re-reeving an existing rope on a machine. It also specifies the minimum requirements for pulling eyes, including their geometry, strength, maximum line pull to which the pulling eye is intended to be subjected and information…
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 7: Assemblies for specific applications suc...
IEC TS 61439-7:2014-02(en-fr) defines the specific requirements of ASSEMBLIES as follows:
- ASSEMBLIES for which the rated voltage does not exceed 1 000 V in case of a.c. or 1 500 V in case of d.c;
- stationary or movable ASSEMBLIES with enclosure;
- ASSEMBLIES intended for use in connection with the generation, transmission, distribution and conversion of electric energy, and for the control…
Geospatial Digital Rights Management Reference Model (GeoDRM RM)
ISO 19153:2014 is a reference model for digital rights management (DRM) functionality for geospatial resources (GeoDRM). As such, it is connected to the general DRM market in that geospatial resources shall be treated as nearly as possible like other resources, such as music, text, or services. It is not the intention to reinvent a market nor the technology that already exists and is thriving,…
Cutting tool data representation and exchange — Part 60: Reference dictionary for connection systems
ISO/TS 13399-60:2014 specifies a reference dictionary for connection systems for cutting tools, together with their descriptive properties and domains of values, and the structure of interface codes containing definitions and identifications of the classes of connection systems, with an associated classification scheme, definitions and identifications of the data element types that represent the…
Resistance welding equipment — Transformers — General specifications applicable to all transformers
ISO 5826:2014 gives specifications applicable to transformers of IEC 61140 protection class I or II of the following types for use in resistance welding equipment: single-phase transformers for a.c. welding, typically operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz; single-phase transformers with connected rectifier for d.c. welding, typically operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz; single-phase inverter transformers with…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and met...
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AB:2014 defines a protocol and a set of managed objects that can be used for discovering the physical topology from adjacent stations in ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 local area networks.
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and met...
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1AB:2014 defines a protocol and a set of managed objects that can be used for discovering the physical topology from adjacent stations in ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 local area networks.
Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) —...
ISO 5817:2014 provides quality levels of imperfections in fusion-welded joints (except for beam welding) in all types of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys. It applies to material thickness ≥ 0,5 mm. It covers fully penetrated butt welds and all fillet welds. Its principles can also be applied to partial-penetration butt welds.(Quality levels for beam welded joints in steel are presented in…
Railway applications - Communication, signalling and processing systems - Safety related communicati...
IEC 62280:2014 gives the basic requirements needed to achieve safety related communication between safety related equipment connected to the transmission system. This International Standard is applicable to the safety requirement specification of the safety related equipment connected to the transmission system, in order to obtain the allocated safety integrity requirements.