Bare and covered ferrules (Bi-national standard, with UL 486F)
These requirements cover bare and covered ferrules intended for field wiring and factory wiring for use in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA-70 and Canadian Electrical Code, CSA C22.1.
These ferrules are intended to facilitate the connection of stranded wire on to devices, such as terminal blocks. Their purpose is to treat stripped wire and prevent…
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters - AC semiconductor ...
Scope and object
This standard applies to controllers and starters, which may include a series mechanical switching device, intended to be connected to circuits, the rated voltage of which does not exceed 1 000 V a.c.
This standard characterizes controllers and starters with and without bypass means.
Controllers and starters dealt with in this standard are not normally designed to…
Electric clothes dryers (Bi-national standard, with UL 2158)
1.1 This Standard applies to electric clothes dryers intended to be used in nonhazardous locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (CEC), General Requirements - Canadian Electrical Code, Part II, CSA C22.2 No. 0-10 and the (U.S.) National Electrical Code (NEC), on circuits having a nominal voltage not exceeding 600 V.
Note: Wherever practical, for convenience, the…
Test method for determining the energy efficiency of battery-charging systems
This Standard covers the test requirements used to measure battery charger energy consumption for battery chargers intended to be operated from 115 V ac, 60 Hz line voltage connected by plug to wall receptacles or existing dc sources (such as automotive power jacks or USB ports).
This Standard applies to battery-charging systems that are intended to charge secondary battery…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Services for...
This International Standard specifies the Services and Event Reports for Computer-Supported Telecommunications Applications, Phase III (CSTA).
This International Standard is focused on providing application service interfaces to a Switching Function, Computing Function and a Special Resource Function. A CSTA application interface is disassociated from the various user-network interfaces…
Explosive atmospheres - Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" (Adopted IEC...
This part of IEC 60079 specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus intended for use in an explosive atmosphere and for associated apparatus, which is intended for connection to intrinsically safe circuits which enter such atmospheres.
This type of protection is applicable to electrical equipment in which the electrical circuits themselves are incapable of causing…
Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures — Selection and dimensioning
ISO 5145:2014 establishes practical criteria for determining valve outlet connections for gas cylinders.
It applies to the selection of gas cylinder valve outlet connections and specifies the dimensions for a number of them.
It does not apply to connections used for cryogenic gas withdrawal or gases for breathing equipment, which are the subjects of other International Standards.
Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters - Test procedure of islanding prevention measures
IEC 62116:2014 provides a test procedure to evaluate the performance of islanding prevention measures used with utility-interconnected PV systems. This standard describes a guideline for testing the performance of automatic islanding prevention measures installed in or with single or multi-phase utility interactive PV inverters connected to the utility grid. The test procedure and criteria…
Onduleurs photovoltaïques interconnectés au réseau public - Procédure d'essai des mesures de pr...
L'IEC 62116:2014 fournit une méthode d'essai pour évaluer la performance des mesures de prévention contre l'îlotage utilisées avec des systèmes PV interconnectés au réseau public. Cette norme décrit des lignes directrices pour les essais de performance des mesures de prévention contre l'îlotage automatique installées dans ou avec des onduleurs PV interactifs avec le réseau…
Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules
IEC 61936-1:2010+A1:2014 provides common rules for the design and the erection of electrical power installations in systems with nominal voltages above 1 kV a.c. and nominal frequency up to and including 60 Hz, so as to provide safety and proper functioning for the use intended. For the purpose of interpreting this standard, an electrical power installation is considered to be one of the…