Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference suppression - Part 3: Passive filter units for...
IEC 60939-3:2024 covers passive filters used to attenuate unwanted radio-frequency signals (such as noise or interference) generated from electromagnetic sources. Both single and multi-channel filters within one enclosure or which are built on a printed circuit board forming a compact entity are included within the scope of this document. This document applies to passive filter units for…
Filtres passifs d'antiparasitage - Partie 3: Filtres passifs pour lesquels des essais de sécuri...
L’IEC 60939-3:2024 couvre les filtres passifs utilisés pour atténuer les signaux aux fréquences radioélectriques indésirables (par exemple, le bruit ou le brouillage) générés par des sources électromagnétiques. Les filtres à voie unique et à voies multiples à l’intérieur d’une enveloppe, ou montés sur une carte de circuit imprimé qui forme une entité compacte, font partie du domaine d’application…
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 457: Dynamics profile
IEC 61970-457:2024 specifies a standard interface for exchanging dynamic model information needed to support the analysis of the steady state stability (small-signal stability) and/or transient stability of a power system or parts of it. The schema(s) for expressing the dynamic model information are derived directly from the CIM, more specifically from IEC 61970-302.
The scope of this document…
Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems — Vascular device-drug combination products — Par...
This document specifies requirements for vascular device-drug combination products (VDDCPs).
With regard to safety, this document outlines requirements for intended performance, design attributes, materials, design evaluation, manufacturing, sterilization, packaging and information supplied by the manufacturer.
For implanted products, this document is intended to be used as a supplement to ISO …
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-18: Limits - Assessment of network characteristics for ...
IEC TR 61000-3-18:2024 which is a technical report, reports on the development of a methodology for adapting IEC equipment emission limits from IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-12 for use in regions not covered by these documents. It identifies gaps in the existing equipment emission limit standards concerning their international applicability and identifies public power system characteristics…
Office equipment — Security requirements for hard copy devices (HCDs) — Part 1: Definition of the ba...
This document defines basic security requirements for the protection of hard copy devices (HCDs) including identification and authentication, security management, software update, field-replaceable nonvolatile storage data protection, network data protection and public switched telephone network (PSTN) fax-network separation.
It can be applied to office equipment with network functions including…
Office equipment - Security requirements for hard copy devices (HCDs) - Part 1: Definition of the ba...
This document defines basic security requirements for the protection of hard copy devices (HCDs) including identification and authentication, security management, software update, field-replaceable nonvolatile storage data protection, network data protection and public switched telephone network (PSTN) fax-network separation.
It can be applied to office equipment with network functions including…
1 Scope
1.1 Applicable equipment
This Standard applies to newly produced household cooking gas appliances, hereinafter referred to as units or appliances, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, and either floor-supported or built-in.
1.2 Household cooking gas appliances
This Standard applies to household cooking gas appliances
for use with natural gas;
for use with…
Electrically propelled road vehicles — Functional and safety requirements for power transfer between...
This document defines requirements for the onboard system (vehicle side) related to the automatic connection for conductive alternating current (AC) and/or direct current (DC) power transfer between electrically propelled road vehicles (EVs) and external electric circuits. This document addresses the following aspects:
— electrical and mechanical safety requirements;
— compatibility…
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps
IEC 60335-2-41:2024 EXV contains both the international standard and its extended version (EXV). This extended version of the official IEC Standard is available in English only and provides the user with a comprehensive content of the Standard. IEC 60335-2-41:2024 EXV includes the content of the references made to IEC 60335-1:2020.
IEC 60335-2-41:2024 deals with the safety of electric pumps…