Ground Motion Determination for Seismic Qualification of CANDU Nuclear Power
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard describes the investigations required to obtain the seismological and geological information necessary to determine, for a proposed CANDU nuclear power plant site, the seismic ground motion that will be utilized in seismic qualification of safety-related plant structures and systems, and the potential for seismically induced phenomena that may have a direct or…
The Standard specifies the following characteristics of the oil. Appearance: Clear, mobile liquid. Colour: Pale yellow to yellowish brown. Odour: Characteristic, resembling that of citral. Relative density at 20/20 °C: 0,885 - 0,905. Refractive index at 20 °C: 1,4830 - 1,4890. Optical rotation at 20 °C: Range from - 3 to + 1 . Miscibility with 70 % (V/V) ethanol at 20 °C: 1 : 3. Carbonyl value:…
1.1 This standard applies to seven grades of commercial steel wool, ranging
from superfine to very coarse.
1.2 For more detailed information on uses, see par. 6.2.
1.3 This standard is primarily intended to serve the requirements of
Requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 Pressure-Retaining Systems and Components
in CANDU Nuclear Powe...
Specifies the requirements for design, fabrication and
installation of class 1, 2 and 3 pressure retaining systems and
components in CANDU nuclear power plants. These requirements are
supplementary to the general requirements prescribed in CSA
Standard CAN3-N285.0-M81.
Specifies the requirements for mercury to be used in the
preparation of dental amalgam, and describes test methods to be
employed in determining compliance with these requirements.
Performance requirements for containers in which mercury is
packaged are also stated, and recommendations are made regarding
packaging of containers for shipment. The requirements of this
standard are intended to…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers and is restricted to fibre core wire ropes used for hoisting, compensating and governor purposes in passenger elevators, freight elevators, dumbwaiters, personnel hoists and manlifts, all as defined in CSA Standards B44, Safety Code for Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving Walks; B311, Safety Code for Manlifts; and Z185, Safety Code for Personnel…
General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural Quality Steel
Covers a group of common requirements that apply to structural
quality steel plates, shapes, hollow sections, sheet piling and
bars, conforming to the requirements of CSA Standard
CAN3-G40.21-M, Structural Quality Steels.
Applies to the dimensions considered essential to provide fit of
short-rise slacks, such as western jeans, cords, flare-bottom
slacks, etc., that are intended for wear by girls (CSS Sizes 7 -
16). This dimensional standard does not apply to very low-rise
jeans (Hipsters).
Supplement No.2-1981 to CSA Standard CAN3-S6-M78, Design of Highway Bridges
Applies to the design of ordinary highway bridges that have spans
up to 100 m and other bridges to carry pedestrian, cyclist or
equestrial traffic. It deals with the general features of
highway bridges and loads and forces applicable to their design
considering different materials such as steel, concrete, timber
and composite structures. It gives design consideration for