This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO
It defines the principal terms relating to the quantification of the mass of
water and extractable matter contained in a textile material. The terms
defined in this International Standard may be used in the determination of the
commercial mass of a consignment textile material, in the determination of
Polyspecific Anti-Human Globulin Reagent for the Antiglobulin Test (Monoclonal
and/or Polyclonal)
1.1 Applies to polyspecific anti-human globulin reagent used for the detection
of human globulins attached to red blood cells. The reagent may contain
polyclonal or a mixture of polyclonal and/or monoclonal components.
1.2 For the purpose of this standard, see par. 7.1 and 7.2.
Burnishable, Detergent Resistant, Water Emulsion Floor Polish
1.1 Applies to a burnishable detergent-resistant water emulsion floor polish
suitable for general application on most non-wood and sealed wood floors. It
should not be used on unsealed wood, cork or magnesite floors.
1.2 The two types of polishes described in this standard are designed for use
with ultra high speed (U.H.S.) burnishing machines capable of operating at 1500
r/min or…
Textile Test Methods Textiles - Twist Factor Related to the Tex System
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/Tr
This Technical Report gives equations for the calculation of twist factors in
SI units and conversion tables with which twist factors expressed in other unit
systems can be transformed into SI units. It is applicable to single twisted
yarns, folded yarns and cabled yarns.
Textile Test Methods Flame Resistance - Methenamine Tablet Test for Textile Floor Coverings
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard ISO 6925:1982.
1.1 This method determines the flammability of finished textile floor covering
materials when exposed to an ignition source (methenamine tablet) under
specified conditions (Note 1)
1.2 This method is applicable to all types of textile floor coverings
regardless of fibre type or method of construction…
Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Channels - Velocity-Area Methods
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO
This International Standard specifies methods for determining the velocity and
cross-sectional area of water flowing in open channels (with or without ice
cover), and or computing the discharge therefrom.
It covers methods of employing current-meters and floats to measure the
velocities. Although, in most…
Installation Code for Solid-Fuel-Burning Appliances and Equipment
1. Scope
Except as stated in Clause 1.3, this Standard covers requirements for the
installation of, alteration to, addition to, and provisions for maintenance of
solid-fuel-burning appliances and equipment intended to supply heat to air or
Note: Recommendations for the storage of solid fuel and of ash are included in
Appendix A.
For the purpose of this Standard, solid…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to manually or automatically fuelled solid-fuel-fired central heating appliances that have provision for venting directly to the outdoors by means of flue pipes, chimneys, etc.
1.2 For the purpose of this Standard, the term solid-fuel includes, but is not limited to, coal and biomass fuels such as cordwood, chips, sawdust, wood and paper pellets, and…
Power Supplies with Extra-Low-Voltage Class 2 Outputs
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to
(a) power supplies including transformer units of both the direct plug-in and cord-connected types that utilize a step- down, isolating transformer of the extra-low-voltage secondary type and that may incorporate rectifiers and other components to provide an ac or dc output; and
(b) battery chargers for rechargeable batteries.
Note: For convenience,…
Applies to sterile, prepowdered, single use general-purpose surgical rubber
gloves made from natural rubber latex. Specialty surgical gloves do not fall
within the scope of this standard.