Iron ore fines — Method for presentation of the results of sintering tests
Applicable to all iron ore fines that are agglomerated by the sintering process. Figure 1 gives an example of sintering test equipment, Figure 2 the flowsheet of typical sinter test procedure. Annex A lists international standards specifying the relevant test methods.
Commercial vehicles — Dimensions of air filter elements — Part 1: Types A and B
Specifies the dimensions necessary for interchangeability. Two filter element types, A and B, are specified. Types A and B are not interchangeable. This part of ISO 7750 may be used for other air filter applications where no specific standards exist.
Québec Electrical Code - Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (16th edition), plus
Québec Amendments
This Code covers all electrical work and electrical equipment operating or
intended to operate at all voltages in electrical installations for buildings,
structures, and premises, including factory-built relocatable and
non-relocatable structures, with the following exceptions:
(a) Installations or equipment employed by an electric or communication
utility in the exercise of its…
Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Electrodes for Shielded Metal
Arc Welding
This Standard prescribes requirements for the classification and certification
of chromium and chromium-nickel steel covered electrodes for shielded metal arc
welding. This includes electrodes designated for welding heat-resistant steels
containing more than 11% chromium and less than 50% nickel.
Electrodes specified in this Standard are classified according to the
(a) chemical…
Outlines the requirements for testing the performance and strength for shock
absorbers that absorb and dissipate kinetic energy when used as a component of
a personal fall arrest system (FAS).
The component specified in this Standard is intended for use in a personal FAs
for a worker exposed to the hazard of falling.
This Standard does not apply to travel-restricting systems, fall…
Describes the requirements and test methods for the materials, dimensions,
workmanship, pipe stiffness, quality control, jointing systems, and marking for
corrugated polyethylene (PE) storm and sanitary sewer pipe and fittings with a
smooth interior. This profile wall pipe consists of an outer corrugated wall
fused to a smooth inner wall, with sizes based on controlled inside diameter…
1.1 These requirements cover the construction and security performance of
equipment intended to automatically dispense currency when operated as intended
by a customer, and to provide protection against unauthorized removal of
1.2 If the product also receives deposits, the same degree of protection shall
also be provided for the deposits.
1.3 Records shall be made in order…
Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards - Guidelines for
Selection and Use
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISo
The purposes of this International Standard are
(a) to clarify the distinctions and interrelationships among the principal
quality concepts (see clause 4), and
(b) to provide guidelines for the selection and use of a series of
International Standards on quality systems that can be used for…
1. Scope
This Standard covers the following:
(a) plastic drain and sewer pipe and plastic pipe fittings in the size range
NPS-2 through NPS-6 with pipe stiffness of 275, 320, or 625 kPa, including both
single-wall and co-extruded dual-wall pipe with a smooth interior;
(b) single-wall, noncorrugated, perforated plastic pipe and plastic pipe
(c) co-extruded dual-wall…
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) standard T1.403-1989.
This standard describes the metallic interface between a carrier and customer
installation (CI), referred to as the network interface (NI), at the DS1 rate.
It establishes requirements at the NI necessary for compatible operation
between the carrier and the CI. Interfaces…