Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures
1. Scope
This Standard specifies the minimum requirements to be met and adhered to by
companies wishing to be certified and to maintain certification for fusion
welding of steel structures performed as part of the fabrication, fabrication
and erection, or erection thereof.
This Standard is intended to govern certification of companies and prescribes
the standards and tests of…
Cette norme traite des exigences de rendement énergétique et lumineux des
luminaires de type cobra équipés de lampes à vapeur de sodium à haute pression
de 50 à 400 W et de diffuseurs prismatiques en verre, en polycarbonate ou en
plastique acrylique, petits et moyens.
Cette norme s'applique aux luminaires utilisés le long des rues, des routes et
des autoroutes dont la…
Information technology — Programming languages — PL/1 general purpose subset
The language defined is different from those of previous PL/I standards, although substantially upward compatible, at the source program and semantic level. The differences are summarized in appendix A. Specifies the syntax and semantics of conforming PL/I programs. Defines a conforming processor (or conforming implementation) only in terms of those conforming programs. The definition is…
Information technology - Programming languages - PL/1 general purpose subset
The language defined is different from those of previous PL/I standards, although substantially upward compatible, at the source program and semantic level. The differences are summarized in appendix A. Specifies the syntax and semantics of conforming PL/I programs. Defines a conforming processor (or conforming implementation) only in terms of those conforming programs. The definition is…
Road vehicles — Generation of standard EM field for calibration of power density meters from 20 kHz ...
Applies to power density meters used (by the Department of Defense) in measuring high intensity (hazard level) RF fields. The techniques described are based on: parallel plate and parallel wire transmission lines, transverse electromagnetic mode transmission cells, various directive antennas and open ended waveguide. Major emphasis is on the TEM cells.
Textile floor coverings — Non-destructive measurement of pile thickness above the backing — WRONZ ga...
The method is based on determination by measuring the distance between the planes of the pile surface located under a standard pressure and the plane of the backing surface located under a standard loading. This method and that of ISO 1766 may not give identical results. In case of dispute or where maximum accuracy is required, thickness shall be determined by the method of ISO 1766.