Information technology — International Standardized Profiles AOM1n OSI Management — Management Commu...
The specifications are the common basis for the application functions as defined in ISO/IEC ISP 11183-2 and 11183-3 and any of the subsequent parts that might be developed. Annexes A to C give ISPICS requirements lists of ACSE, Presentation and Session, for the use by ROSE and CMISE.
Paints and varnishes — Determination of the pot-life of liquid systems — Preparation and conditionin...
Specifies a method, carried out under standard conditions, for preparing and storing a sample so that its pot-life may be assessed by measuring a particular property. The method is based on conditioning the components separately, then mixing and allowing the blend to stand for specified periods of time under nearly adiabatic conditions.
Aerospace — Couplings, threaded and sealed, for fluid systems — Dimensions
Establishes a system for sealing the port connection of couplings. Specifies dimensions to achieve interchangeability of the port connection, the fitting end and a seal. The seal may be a standard O-ring or a special ring.
Paints and varnishes — Pressure test for stackability
Specifies a test method for determining, under standard conditions, whether a single-coat film or a multi-coat system of paints after a specified drying period is sufficiently dry to resist damage when two painted surfaces or one painted surface and another surface are placed in contact under pressure. For any particular application, it needs to be completed by supplementary information.
This standard applies to the design and construction requirements of uniform
dress shirts in polyester/cotton fabric. It specifies two types (par. 3.1),
each providing the base on which a complete shirt may be composed by inclusion
of any of the features listed in par. 5.2.2.
This standard specifies physical and chemical requirements for a solvent-type
paste wax for application on linoleum, vinyl or wooden floors. It is not
suitable for use on asphalt or rubber floors.
1.1 This standard states physical and chemical requirements for a built sodium
soap in powder form, suitable for commercial and institutional laundering.
1.2 The soap is intended for use in soft water (calcium cabonate hardness up
to 120 mg/L). In locations where water hardness exceeds 120 mg/L (as calcium
carbonate), an appropriate synthetic detergent composition would be more…
1.1 This standard states physical, chemical and performance requirements for a
special purpose non-ammoniated liquid detergent compound for use in the removal
of water-emulsion floor polish and wax.
1.2 For more detailed information on intended uses, see par. 7.2.
This standard applies to a diethyltoluamide type insect repellent, intended for
direct application to exposed skin surfaces and, under certain conditions, to
clothing. It is intended for protection against mosquitoes, black flies, sand
flies, gnats, ticks and chiggers (mites).
This standard applies to methyl ethyl ketone for use as a solvent for paints,
strippable coatings, adhesives and for removal of petroleum type preservatives.