Information technology - Biometrics - Overview and application
This document describes the history and purpose of biometrics, the various biometric technologies in general use today (for example, fingerprint recognition, face recognition and iris recognition) and the architecture of the systems and the system processes that allow automated recognition using those technologies. It provides information on the application of biometrics in various business…
Information technology — IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle proce...
This document specifies the process assessment model (PAM). It contains process definitions of the ITES-BPO lifecycle defined in ISO/IEC 30105-1 and a model suitable for assessing process capability. The outcomes in the PAM are clearly defined, observable results, aligned to the business benefits derived by the customer and service provider.
A PAM consists of a set of indicators for process…
Information technology — IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle proce...
This document specifies a measurement framework (MF) and an organization maturity model (OMM). It provides the overview of how an organization can use the process reference model (PRM) in ISO/IEC 30105-1 and the process assessment model (PAM) in ISO/IEC 30105-2 to measure their capability and maturity levels. It conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 33003 and ISO/IEC 33004 and supports the…
Genomics Informatics — Data elements and their metadata for describing structured clinical genomic s...
The document defines the data elements and the requisite metadata essential for implementing a structured clinical genomic sequencing report in electronic health records, particularly focusing on the genomic data generated by next-generation sequencing technology.
This document:
— defines the composition of a structured clinical sequencing report (see Clause 6);
— defines the required…
Health informatics — The architecture of internet healthcare service network
This document provides the architecture of internet healthcare service network, including:
— overview of internet healthcare service network;
— infrastructure and deployment scheme of internet healthcare service network;
— security of internet healthcare service network.
This document mainly focuses on the engineering architecture and infrastructure deployment of healthcare…
Nanotechnologies — Considerations for radioisotope labelling methods of nanomaterials for performanc...
This document provides:
a) a review of radioisotope labelling methods that can be used for nanomaterials;
b) the advantages and disadvantages of each radioisotope labelling method;
c) information on the selection of a matched pair of nanomaterial and radioisotope labelling method to ensure the in vivo integrity of radioisotope-labelled nanomaterials or the stability of their…
Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle proce...
This document specifies a measurement framework (MF) and an organization maturity model (OMM). It provides the overview of how an organization can use the process reference model (PRM) in ISO/IEC 30105-1 and the process assessment model (PAM) in ISO/IEC 30105-2 to measure their capability and maturity levels. It conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 33003 and ISO/IEC 33004 and supports the…
Information technology - IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle proce...
This document specifies the process assessment model (PAM). It contains process definitions of the ITES-BPO lifecycle defined in ISO/IEC 30105-1 and a model suitable for assessing process capability. The outcomes in the PAM are clearly defined, observable results, aligned to the business benefits derived by the customer and service provider.
A PAM consists of a set of indicators for process…
Test method for the evaluation of permeability and filtration efficiency distribution of bag filter ...
This document specifies a measuring method for the distribution of thickness, area mass, gas permeability and collection efficiency in the filter medium, and applies to both woven and non-woven filter medium.
This document provides a method for sampling specimen (position, size and number) from the filter medium required to obtain its performance distribution accurately.
The purpose of this…
Electrically propelled road vehicles — Functional and safety requirements for power transfer between...
This document specifies general requirements for conductive power transfer with a voltage up to 1 000 V a.c. (alternative current) and up to 1 500 V d.c. (direct current) between electrically propelled road vehicles and external electric circuits.
This document provides general requirements for conductive charging in modes 2, 3 and 4 according to IEC 61851-1, and for reverse power transfer. This…