Basic environmental testing procedures - Part 3-2: Background information - Combined temperature/low...
Gives background information for Test Z/AM: Combined cold/low air pressure tests (IEC 68-2-40), and Test Z/BM: Combined dry heat/low air pressure tests (IEC 68-2-41).
Essais fondamentaux climatiques et de robustesse mécanique - Partie 3-2: Information de base - Essai...
Comporte les informations de base relatives à l'essai Z/AM: Essais combinés froid/basse pression atmosphérique pour spécimens dissipant et ne dissipant pas d'énergie, de la CEI 68-2-40, et relatives à l'essai Z/BM: Essais combinés chaleur sèche/basse pression atmosphérique pour spécimens dissipant ou ne dissipant pas d'énergie, de la CEI 68-2-41.
Information processing - 9- track, 12,7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange r...
Describes a 9-track, 8 rows per mm (rpmm) (200 rows per inch (rpi)) 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for interchangeability of tape between information processing systems which utilize 7-bit coded character set, specified in ISO 646. Refers solely to magnetic tape for digital recording, on which the direction of magnetization is nominally longitudinal as opposed to nominally transverse.
Information processing — 9- track, 12,7 mm (0.5 in) wide magnetic tape for information interchange r...
Describes a 9-track, 8 rows per mm (rpmm) (200 rows per inch (rpi)) 12,7 mm (0,5 in) wide magnetic tape for interchangeability of tape between information processing systems which utilize 7-bit coded character set, specified in ISO 646. Refers solely to magnetic tape for digital recording, on which the direction of magnetization is nominally longitudinal as opposed to nominally transverse.