Data processing — Vocabulary — Part 2: Arithmetic and logic operations
Facilitates the international communication in information processing. Provides selected English and French terms and their definitions in the field of mathematics and logic. The terms relating to numeric values are dealt with under the aspect of computing techniques as for arithmetic and logical operations.
Comparative information on IEC and North-American flexible cord types.
Contains tables indicating comparative constructions of flexible cords similar to those included in IEC 227 and IEC 245, but which have been used in North America. Provides information for use during the period of time necessary for harmonization to take place from North American types towards the adoption of IEC standards. This information should be of value to those who are concerned with…
Comparaison des câbles souples de la CEI et des câbles souples de l'Amérique du Nord.
Comporte des tableaux permettant la comparaison des fabrications de câbles souples analogues à ceux de la CEI 227 et de la CEI 245, avec les câbles souples utilisés en Amérique du Nord. Fournit des informations utiles en attendant l'harmonisation des câbles nord-américains par l'adoption des normes de la CEI. Ces informations devraient être utiles à ceux qui s'occupent d'…