1 Scope
This document gives guidelines for the design and use of environmental performance evaluation (EPE) within an organization. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size, location and complexity.
This document does not establish environmental performance levels. It is not intended for use for the establishment of any other environmental management system (EMS)…
Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) — Part 1: Specification of basic notat...
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard provides a standard notation called Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.1) that is used for the definition of data types, values, and constraints on data types.
This Recommendation | International Standard:
– defines a number of simple types, with their tags, and specifies a notation for referencing these types and
for specifying values of…
Information technology — Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) — Part 2: Information object specifica...
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard is part of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) and provides notation for specifying information object classes, information objects and information object sets.
Information security — Message authentication codes (MACs) — Part 2: Mechanisms using a dedicated ha...
1 Scope
This document specifies MAC algorithms that use a secret key and a hash-function (or its round-function or sponge function) to calculate an m-bit MAC. These mechanisms can be used as data integrity mechanisms to verify that data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner.
NOTE A general framework for the provision of integrity services is specified in ISO/IEC 10181-6.
Information security — Encryption algorithms — Part 1: General
1 Scope
This document is general in nature and provides definitions that apply in subsequent parts of the ISO/IEC 18033 series.
It introduces the nature of encryption and describes certain general aspects of its use and properties.
Information technology — Radio frequency identification device performance test methods — Part 3: Te...
1 Scope
This document defines test methods for performance characteristics of RFID tags for item management and specifies the general requirements and test requirements for tags which are applicable to the selection of devices for an application. The summary of the test reports forms a unified tag datasheet.
Cybersecurity — Supplier relationships — Part 1: Overview and concepts
1 Scope
This document is an introductory part of ISO/IEC 27036. It provides an overview of the guidance intended to assist organizations in securing their information and information systems within the context of supplier relationships. It also introduces concepts that are described in detail in the other parts of ISO/IEC 27036. This document addresses perspectives of both acquirers and…
Flameproof non-rail-bound diesel- powered machines for use in gassy underground coal mines
1 Scope
1.1 Inclusions
This Standard describes construction and test requirements for new non-rail-bound diesel-powered, self-propelled machines for use in gassy underground coal mines. It is supplementary to or amendatory of CSA M424.0 and CSA M424.2.
Note: The working environment of gassy mines is characterized by the presence of methane gas and combustible dust.
1.2 Exclusions
Diesel-powered machines for use in non- gassy underground mines
1 Scope
1.1 Inclusions
This Standard describes the technical requirements and procedures necessary for the design, performance, and testing of new or unused diesel engines for use in non-gassy underground mines.
Note: See CSA M424.1 for additional explosion-proof construction and performance requirements for diesel- powered machines for use in gassy underground coal mines.
1.2 Exclusions…
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard describes minimum performance criteria for the service braking system, secondary braking system, and parking system for rubber-tired, self-propelled underground mining machines.
This Standard provides minimum braking system performance for rubber-tired, self-propelled underground machines, and test criteria by which machine braking system performance may be…