Systèmes de traitement de l'information — Interconnexion de systèmes ouverts — Modèle de référe...
La présente partie de l'ISO/CEI 7498 établit un cadre général
pour coordonner le développement des normes de gestion OSI existantes
et futures qui doivent s'y référer. Elle
a) définit les termes et décrit les concepts relatifs à
la gestion OSI ;
b) fournit une structure pour la gestion OSI et un aperçu de ses objectifs
et des facilités qu'elle fournit ;
c) décrit les…
Dispositifs d'arrimage et de saisissage des véhicules routiers en transport maritime sur navire...
La présente partie de l'ISO 9367 prescrit les caractéristiques minimales permettant d'arrimer et de saisir efficacement les véhicules routiers embarqués à bord des navires rouliers et spécifie, en particulier, les points de saisissage sur les véhicules et le mode de fixation à utiliser. Elle donne également dans l'annexe A, à titre d'information pour les concepteurs de…
Applicable to textile floor coverings of all types. Specifies the technical matters forming the basis for the provision of information, at the point of sale, for the guidance of the consumer prior to and after the purchase of a textile floor covering. This information shall be provided with the textile floor coverings at all stages from manufacturer to consumer.
Information processing systems — Text communication — Remote Operations — Part 1: Model, notation an...
This part of ISO/IEC 9072 defines a Remote Operation (RO-) notation for defining the services provided to interactive applications. This part of ISO/IEC 9072 also defines the services provided by the Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE) services. The ROSE services are provided by the use of the ROSE protocol (part 2 of ISO/IEC 9072) in conjunction with the Association Control Service Element (…
Information processing systems — Text communication — Remote Operations — Part 2: Protocol specifica...
This part of ISO/IEC 9072 specifies the protocol (abstract syntax) and procedures for the Remote Operation Service Element (part 1 of this International Standard). The ROSE services are provided in conjunction with the Association Control Service Element (ACSE) services (ISO 8649) and the ACSE protocol (ISO 8650), optionally the Reliable Transfer Service Element (RTSE) services (ISO/IEC 9066-1)…
Information processing systems — Text communication — Reliable Transfer — Part 1: Model and service ...
This part of ISO/IEC 9066 defines the services provided by the Reliable Transfer Service Element (RTSE). The RTSE services are provided by the use of the RTSE protocol (ISO/IEC 9066-2) in conjunction with the Association Control Service Element (ACSE) services (ISO 8649) and the ACSE protocol (ISO 8650), and the presentation-service (ISO 8822).
No requirement is made for conformance to this part…
Information processing systems — Text communication — Reliable Transfer — Part 2: Protocol specifica...
This part of ISO/IEC 9066 specifies the protocol (abstract syntax) and procedures for the Reliable Transfer Service Element services (ISO/IEC 90661). The RTSE services are provided in conjunction with the Association Control Service Element (ACSE) services (ISO 8649) and the ACSE protocol (ISO 8650), and the presentation-service (ISO 8822).
The RTSE procedures are defined in terms of
a) the…