Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 1: XQuery regular expr...
1 Scope
This document describes the regular expression support in SQL (ISO/IEC 9075-2) adopted from the
regular expression syntax of XQuery and XPath Functions and Operators 3.1, which is derived from Perl.
This document discusses five operators using this regular expression syntax:
— LIKE_REGEX predicate, to determine the existence of a match to a regular expression.
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 2: Time-related inform...
1 Scope
This document describes the support in SQL for time-related information.
This document discusses the following features of the SQL language:
— Time-related data types
— Operations on time-related data
— Time-related Predicates
— Application-time period tables
— System-versioned tables
— Bi-temporal tables
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 3: SQL embedded in pro...
1 Scope
This document describes the support for the use of SQL within programs written in Java.
This document discusses the following features of the SQL language:
— The embedding of SQL expressions and statements in programs written in the Java programming
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 4: Routines and types ...
1 Scope
This document provides a tutorial of SQL routines and types using the Java™ programming language.
This document discusses the following features of the SQL Language:
— The use of routines written in the Java programming language within SQL expressions and statements.
— The use of user-defined types written in the Java programming language within SQL expressions
and statements.
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 5: Row pattern recogni...
1 Scope
This document discusses the syntax and semantics for recognizing patterns in rows of a table, as defined
in ISO/IEC 9075-2, commonly called “SQL/RPR”.
SQL/RPR defines two features regarding row pattern recognition:
— Feature R010, “Row pattern recognition: FROM clause”
— Feature R020, “Row pattern recognition: WINDOW clause”
These two features have considerable syntax and semantics…
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 6: Support for JSON
1 Scope
This document describes the support in SQL for JavaScript Object Notation.
This document discusses the following features of the SQL language:
— Storing JSON data.
— Publishing JSON data.
— Querying JSON data.
— SQL/JSON data model and path language.
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 7: Polymorphic table f...
1 Scope
This document describes the definition and use of polymorphic table functions in SQL.
The Report discusses the following features of the SQL Language:
— The processing model of polymorphic table functions in the context of SQL.
— The creation and maintenance of polymorphic table functions.
— Issues related to methods of implementing polymorphic table functions.
— How polymorphic…
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 8: Multidimensional ar...
1 Scope
This document describes the definition and use of multidimensional arrays in SQL. Multidimensional
arrays represent a core underlying structure of manifold science and engineering data. It is generally
recognized today, therefore, that arrays have an essential role in Big Data and should become an integral
part of the overall data type orchestration in information systems. This…
Information technology — Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI) — Part 16: Metamodel for doc...
1 Scope
The primary purpose of the ISO/IEC 19763 series is to specify a metamodel framework for interoperability. This document specifies a metamodel for registering document models (or schemata). Examples of such document models include:
— specifications for XML documents (using XML schema[3]);
— specifications for JSON documents (using JSON schema[2]).
This metamodel was developed taking…
Information technology — IT asset management — Part 11: Requirements for bodies providing audit and ...
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements and provides guidance for certification bodies providing audit and certification of an ITAMS in accordance with ISO/IEC 19770-1. It does not change the requirements specified in ISO/IEC 19770-1.
This document can also be used by accreditation bodies for the accreditation of certification bodies. However, this document does not specify requirements or…