Banking — Procedures for message encipherment (wholesale) — Part 1: General principles
Gives terms and definitions. Defines procedures in order to protect financial messages exchanged through any communications architecture. Annex A forms an integral part of this standard. Annexes B, C and D are for information only.
Applies to information technology equipment including electrical business equipment and associated equipment, with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. Specifies requirements intended to ensure safety for the operator and layman who may come into contact with the equipment and, where specifically stated, for service personnel. Supersedes IEC 60380 and 60435. Consolidated edition incorporating…
Sécurité des matériels de traitement de l'information
S'applique aux matériels de traitement de l'information y compris les matériels de bureau électriques et les matériels associés, de tension nominale maximale égale à 600 V. Spécifie les prescriptions prévues pour assurer la sécurité de l'opérateur et du personnel non spécialisé qui peut entrer en contact avec le matériel et lorsque cela est indiqué avec précision, du personnel…
Tools for pressing — Elastomer pressure springs — Part 2: Specification of accessories
Specifies the dimensions of spring collars and pilot pins. Gives information concerning materials and their hardness. Establishes the designation of spring collars and pilot pins.
Plain bearings — Copper alloys — Part 1: Cast copper alloys for solid and multilayer thick-walled pl...
Specifies material properties and test methods. Gives a limited selection of alloys currently available for general purposes. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (1982). Annexes A and B are for information only.
Plain bearings — Copper alloys — Part 2: Wrought copper alloys for solid plain bearings
Specifies material properties and the designation. Gives a limited selection of alloys currently available for general purposes. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (1982). Annexes A and B are for information only.
Tools for pressing — Guide bushes — Part 2: Form A, gliding bushes, plain, type 1
Specifies the main dimensions and tolerances, as well as the hardness and the designation of bushes. Gives guidance on the materials. Details not stated are left to the manufacturer's discretion. Annex A is for information only.
Tools for pressing — Guide bushes — Part 3: Form B, ball cage bushes, plain, type 1
Specifies the main dimensions and tolerances, as well as the hardness and the designation of bushes. Gives guidance on the materials. Details not stated are left to the manufacturer's discretion. Annex A is for information only.
Tools for pressing — Guide bushes — Part 4: Form C, gliding bushes, headed, type 1
Specifies the main dimensions and tolerances, as well as the hardness and the designation of bushes. Gives guidance on the materials. Details not stated are left to the manufacturer's discretion. Annex A is for information only.
Tools for pressing — Guide bushes — Part 5: Form D, ball cage bushes, headed, type 1
Specifies the main dimensions and tolerances, as well as the hardness and the designation of bushes. Gives guidance on the materials. Details not stated are left to the manufacturer's discretion. Annex A is for information only.