Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-6: Radio d...
CISPR 16-1-6:2014+AMD1:2017+AMD2:2022 CSV provides procedures and supporting information for the calibration of antennas for determining antenna factors (AF) that are applicable to antennas intended for use in radiated disturbance measurements. It has the status of a basic EMC Standard in accordance with IEC Guide 107, Electromagnetic compatibility. The AF of an antenna is influenced by nearby…
Spécification des méthodes et des appareils de mesure des perturbations radioélectriques et de l...
La CISPR 16-1-6:2014+AMD1:2017+AMD2:2022 CSV fournit des procédures et des informations à l'appui concernant l'étalonnage des antennes afin de déterminer les facteurs d'antenne (AF) applicables aux antennes destinées à être utilisées pour les mesurages des perturbations rayonnées. Elle a le statut de Norme fondamentale en CEM en accord avec le Guide 107 de l'IEC, Compatibilité…
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Future network protocols and mechanism...
This document specifies protocols and mechanisms for use within systems conforming to the future network (FN) architecture specified in ISO/IEC 21558-1.
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Future network architecture — Part 3: ...
This document focuses on networking issues for integrating various networking technologies for integrating various networking techniques to provide the thing-user centric communication service.
This document specifies:
— the architectural model of the Future Network – Networking of Everything (FN-NoE);
— the functional procedure for providing advanced FN-NoE services that integrate various…
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Future network protocols and mechanism...
This document specifies:
— functional procedures to provide thing-user social networking and proximity defined networking;
— service access interfaces and protocols to support the FN-NoE functional procedure.
Véhicules routiers — Information pour les premiers et seconds intervenants — Partie 1: Fiche de seco...
Le présent document définit le contenu ainsi que la mise en page de la fiche de secours. Il fournit les informations nécessaires et utiles concernant un véhicule impliqué dans un accident, de manière à aider l'équipe de secours à extraire les occupants aussi rapidement et sûrement que possible.
Le présent document s'applique aux véhicules de passagers, ainsi qu'aux véhicules…
Road vehicles — Information for first and second responders — Part 1: Rescue sheet for passenger car...
This document defines the contents and the layout of the rescue sheet providing necessary and useful information about a vehicle involved in an accident to support the rescue team extricating the occupants as fast and as safe as possible.
This document is applicable to passenger cars and light commercial vehicles according to ISO 3833.
The identification of the vehicle and of the model through a…
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Future network architecture - Part 3: ...
This document focuses on networking issues for integrating various networking technologies for integrating various networking techniques to provide the thing-user centric communication service.
This document specifies:
— the architectural model of the Future Network – Networking of Everything (FN-NoE);
— the functional procedure for providing advanced FN-NoE services that integrate various…