Machine tools — Short-term capability evaluation of machining processes on metal-cutting machine too...
This document specifies procedures for acceptance of metal-cutting machine tools based on the tests of their capability in machining a specified workpiece (i.e. indirect testing). It gives recommendations for test conditions, applicable measurement systems and the requirements for machine tools.
This document is consistent with ISO 22514 (all parts) describing statistical methods for process…
Machines-outils — Évaluation de la capacité des procédés d'usinage des machines-outils travaill...
Le présent document spécifie les procédures de réception des machines-outils travaillant par enlèvement de métal reposant sur l’essai de leur aptitude à usiner une pièce spécifiée (c’est-à-dire essai indirect). Il formule des recommandations pour les conditions d’essai/les systèmes de mesure applicables et les prescriptions requises pour les machines-outils.
Le présent document est en cohérence…
Geographic information — Imagery sensor models for geopositioning — Part 3: Implementation schema
This document defines the XML Schema implementation of imagery sensor geopositioning models defined in ISO 19130-1 and ISO/TS 19130-2. It applies XML Schema inheritance and extension based on the OGC SensorML and OGC SWE Common Data Model.
Instead of introducing an XML Schema based on the UML models defined in ISO 19130-1 and ISO/TS 19130-2, it leverages the existing OGC SensorML by first…
Information technology — Cloud computing — Audit of cloud services
This document surveys aspects of the audit of cloud services including:
1) role and responsibilities of parties conducting audit and description of the interactions between the CSC, CSP, and CSN;
2) approaches for conducting audits of cloud services to facilitate confidence in delivering and using cloud services;
3) examples of available frameworks and standards which can be used for…
Information technology - Cloud computing - Audit of cloud services
This document surveys aspects of the audit of cloud services including:
1) role and responsibilities of parties conducting audit and description of the interactions between the CSC, CSP, and CSN;
2) approaches for conducting audits of cloud services to facilitate confidence in delivering and using cloud services;
3) examples of available frameworks and standards which can be used for…
Multi-channel radio frequency connectors - Part 3: Sectional specification for MQ5 series circular c...
IEC 63138-3:2022, which is a sectional specification (SS), provides information and rules for the preparation of detail specifications (DS) for MQ5 series circular connectors with five RF channels, as well as a detailed specification of the blank format. This document also specifies the mating face dimensions and gauging information of MQ5 series circular connectors, and tests selected from IEC…
Connecteurs radiofréquences multicanaux - Partie 3: Spécification intermédiaire relatives aux connec...
IEC 63138-3:2022, qui est une spécification intermédiaire (SS), fournit des informations et des règles pour l’établissement de spécifications particulières (DS) relatives aux connecteurs circulaires de série MQ5 disposant de cinq canaux RF, ainsi qu’une spécification particulière-cadre.Le présent document spécifie également les dimensions de l’interface d’accouplement et les informations sur les…
Information technology - Fibre channel - Part 432: Security protocols - 2 (FC-SP-2)
ISO/IEC 14165-432:2022 is one of the Fibre Channel family of standards. This standard describes the protocols used to implement security in a Fibre Channel fabric. This standard includes the definition of protocols to authenticate Fibre Channel entities, protocols to set up session keys, protocols to negotiate the parameters required to ensure frame-by-frame integrity and confidentiality, and…
Internet of Things (IoT) - Interoperability for IoT systems - Part 4: Syntactic interoperability
ISO/IEC 21823-4:2022 specifies the IoT interoperability from a syntactic point of view. In ISO/IEC 21823-1: Framework [2], five facets are described for IoT interoperability, i.e. transport, semantic, syntactic, behavioural and policy. In this document, the following specifications for IoT interoperability from syntactic viewpoint are included;
– A principle of how to achieve syntactic…
Ultrasonics - Physiotherapy systems - Field specifications and methods of measurement in the frequen...
IEC 61689:2022 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.
IEC 61689:2022 is applicable to ultrasonic equipment designed for physiotherapy containing an ultrasonic transducer…