Performance of voltage sourced converter (VSC) based high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission...
IEC TR 63363-1:2022(E) is to present the "state of the art" with respect to general guidance on the steady-state performance demands of VSC HVDC transmission systems. It concerns the steady-state performance of two-terminal VSC HVDC transmission systems utilizing converters with power flow capability in both directions.
Different configurations of a VSC HVDC transmission system are…
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 71: Sectional specification for RF coaxial connectors with inner d...
IEC 61169-71:2022, which is a sectional specification (SS), provides information and rules for the preparation of detail specifications (DS) for RF coaxial connector, typically for use in 50 Ω radio communication systems, type NEX10® .
This document describes mating face dimensions for general purpose connectors (grade 2), dimensional details of standard test connectors (grade 1), gauging…
Connecteurs pour fréquences radioélectriques - Partie 71: Spécification intermédiaire pour connecteu...
IEC 61169-71:2022, qui est une spécification intermédiaire (SI), fournit des informations et des règles pour l’établissement de spécifications particulières (SP) relatives aux connecteurs RF coaxiaux, généralement utilisés dans les systèmes de radiocommunication de 50 Ω, de type NEX10® [1].
Le présent document décrit les dimensions des interfaces d’accouplement pour les connecteurs à usage…
Emballages — Emballages de transport pour marchandises dangereuses — Méthodes d'essai
Le présent document spécifie les informations nécessaires aux essais de modèle type relatifs aux emballages, aux grands récipients pour vrac (GRV) et aux grands emballages destinés à être utilisés pour le transport de marchandises dangereuses.
NOTE 1 Le présent document peut être utilisé conjointement avec une ou plusieurs des réglementations internationales présentées dans la bibliographie…
Intelligent transport systems — Electronic information exchange to facilitate the movement of freigh...
This document specifies the data communication concepts applicable to the data requirements of the transport community. It also includes the regulatory authorities related to freight and its intermodal transfer to participate in common reporting.
Data communication concepts include information entities (data elements), aggregated/associated information entities (groups of data elements) and…
Engrenages — Usure et défauts des dentures — Partie 1: Nomenclature et caractéristiques
Le présent document fournit une nomenclature pour les modes généraux d’usure et de défaillance des dentures. Il classe, identifie, et décrit les types de défaillance les plus courants et fournit des informations qui, dans de nombreux cas, permettent à l’utilisateur d’identifier des modes de défaillance et d’évaluer le degré ou le changement par rapport à l’état d’origine.
Le présent document est…
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Physically unclonable functions — Part ...
This document specifies the test and evaluation methods for physically unclonable functions (PUFs). The test and evaluation methods consist of inspection of the design rationale of the PUF and comparison between statistical analyses of the responses from a batch of PUFs or a unique PUF versus specified thresholds.
This document is related to ISO/IEC 19790 which specifies security requirements for…
Gears — Wear and damage to gear teeth — Part 1: Nomenclature and characteristics
This document provides nomenclature for general modes of gear tooth wear and failure. It classifies, identifies, and describes the most common types of failure and provides information that, in many cases, enables the user to identify failure modes and evaluate the degree or change from original condition.
This document is based on experience with steel gears; however, many of the failure modes…
Packaging — Transport packaging for dangerous goods — Test methods
This document specifies the information needed for the design type testing of packaging, intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and large packaging intended for use in the transport of dangerous goods.
NOTE 1 This document can be used in conjunction with one or more of the international regulations set out in the Bibliography.
NOTE 2 The term “packaging” includes packaging for Class 6.2…
Information technology — Office equipment — Automated colour profile distribution
This document specifies a method of automated colour profile distribution to large format inkjet printers.
This document applies to digital colour printers and their printer controllers for which ICC colour management is necessary or desired. This document also applies to the print settings profile providers.
The extent of automation covered includes the printer controller acquiring information…