Information technology - Process assessment - Process measurement framework for assessment of proces...
ISO/IEC 33020:2015 defines a process measurement framework that supports the assessment of process capability, in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 33003. The process measurement framework provides a schema that can be used to construct a process assessment model conformant with ISO/IEC 33004 which can be used in the performance of assessment of process capability according to the…
Information technology - Process assessment - Requirements for process reference, process assessment...
ISO/IEC 33004:2015 sets out the requirements for process reference models, process assessment models, and maturity models. The requirements defined in this International Standard form a structure which specifies
a) the relationship between the classes of process model associated with the performance of process assessment,
b) the relationship between process reference models and prescriptive…
Aerospace series — Hydraulic filter elements — Test methods — Part 2: Conditioning
ISO 14085-2:2015 specifies
- a procedure to thermally condition a hydraulic filter element to presumed aerospace hydraulic system stresses,
- a test procedure to complete cold soaks, hot soaks, and temperature variation in a combined manner, and
- a test procedure to simulate cold starts.
ISO 14085-2:2015 is not intended to qualify a filter element under replicate conditions of…
Aerospace series — Hydraulic filter elements — Test methods — Part 4: Verification of collapse/burst...
ISO 14085-4:2015 describes a method for verifying the collapse/burst pressure rating of an aerospace hydraulic fluid power filter element. This represents the capability of a filter element to withstand a designated differential pressure in the normal (intended) direction of flow, created by flowing contaminated fluid through the filter element until either collapse/burst occurs or the maximum…
Aerospace series — Hydraulic filter elements — Test methods — Part 6: Initial cleanliness level
ISO 14085-6:2015 defines a reference method for determining the level of cleanliness of new filter elements for use in aircraft hydraulic systems, after production prior to shipment, or prior to installation in the circuit.
It applies to filter elements used on systems requiring fluid cleanliness conditions defined in the particular specification.
The tests data resulting from application of this…
ISO 15957:2015 defines the properties of load test dusts used for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) air filters as well as air cleaning equipment in laboratories. Test dusts used for evaluation of efficiency performance are not included.
Documents kinds for electrical and instrumentation projects in the process industry
IEC 62708:2015 defines specific documents and their basic content required for electrical and instrumentation projects in the process industry. It specifies the document kind name and the mandatory content of the document kind.
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements
IEC 61810-1:2015 applies to electromechanical elementary relays (non-specified time all-or-nothing relays) for incorporation into low voltage equipment (circuits up to 1 000 V alternate current or 1 500 V direct current). It defines the basic functional and safety requirements and safety-related aspects for applications in all areas of electrical engineering or electronics, such as: general…
Optical amplifiers - Test methods - Part 1-3: Power and gain parameters - Optical power meter method
IEC 61290-1-3:2015 applies to all commercially available optical amplifiers (OA) and optically amplified subsystems. It applies to OA using optically pumped fibres (OFA based on either rare-earth doped fibres or on the Raman effect), semiconductors (SOA), and waveguides (POWA). The object of this part of IEC 61290-1 is to establish uniform requirements for accurate and reliable measurements, by…