Petroleum and natural gas industry — Pipeline transportation systems — Geological hazard risk manage...
This document specifies requirements and gives recommendations on the management of geohazard risks during the pipeline design, construction and operational periods.
This document is applicable to all operators and pipelines (existing and proposed/under construction).
This document applies to onshore gathering and transmission pipelines used in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
Road vehicles — Ergonomic and performance aspects of Camera Monitor Systems — Requirements and test ...
This document gives minimum safety, ergonomic, and performance requirements for Camera Monitor Systems to replace mandatory inside and outside rearview mirrors for road vehicles (e.g. classes I to IV as defined in UN Regulation No. 46). It addresses Camera Monitor Systems (CMS) that will be used in road vehicles to present the required outside information of a specific field of view inside the…
Earth-moving machinery and mining — Autonomous and semi-autonomous machine system safety
This document provides safety requirements for autonomous machines and semi-autonomous machines (ASAM) used in earth-moving and mining operations, and their autonomous or semi-autonomous machine systems (ASAMS). It specifies safety criteria both for the machines and their associated systems and infrastructure, including hardware and software, and provides guidance on safe use in their defined…
Snow throwers — Safety requirements and test procedures — Part 1: Terminology and common tests
This document defines terms and definitions and common test methods applicable to combustion engine powered pedestrian-controlled and ride-on snow throwers. It is intended to be used with ISO 8437-2, ISO 8437-3 and ISO 8437-4 to achieve the full requirements and means of verification for pedestrian-controlled and ride-on snow throwers.
The ISO 8437 series deals with significant hazards, hazardous…
Information technologies — JPEG systems — Part 5: JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF)
This document describes the JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF), which provides a universal format to embed any type of metadata in any box-based JPEG file format. This document defines the syntax of the JUMBF box and the mechanism to assign specific content types. In particular, this document specifies XML, JSON, codestream and UUID types. In addition, this document defines the syntax to…
Information technologies - JPEG systems - Part 5: JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF)
This document describes the JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF), which provides a universal format to embed any type of metadata in any box-based JPEG file format. This document defines the syntax of the JUMBF box and the mechanism to assign specific content types. In particular, this document specifies XML, JSON, codestream and UUID types. In addition, this document defines the syntax to…
Plastics — Determination of tensile properties — Part 1: General principles
1.1 This document specifies the general principles for determining the tensile properties of plastics and plastic composites under defined conditions. Several different types of test specimen are defined to suit different types of material which are detailed in subsequent parts of ISO 527.
1.2 The methods are used to investigate the tensile behaviour of the test specimens and for…
Resistance welding — Destructive testing of welds — Method for the fatigue testing of multi-spot-wel...
This document specifies test specimens and procedures for performing constant load amplitude fatigue tests on multi-spot-welded and multi-axial specimens in the thickness range from 0,5 mm to 5 mm at room temperature and a relative humidity of maximum 80 %. The applicability of this document to larger thicknesses can be limited by mechanical properties such as yield strength and formability of…