Kraft lignin — Glass transition temperature by differential scanning calorimetry
1 Scope
This Standard describes a method for the determination of the glass transition temperature (Tg) of kraft lignin. The procedure utilizes differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
This procedure is applicable to solid lignins (e.g., powdered form) isolated from the kraft pulping process.
It does not apply to raw black liquor and lignin in the sodium form produced from the kraft…
Kraft lignin — Determination of thermal stability by thermogravimetry
1 Scope
This Standard describes the thermal analysis of kraft lignin using thermogravimetric methods.
Thermogravimetry can be used to determine the initial decomposition temperature(s), rate(s) of
decomposition, and the temperature at maximum decomposition of various materials, including lignins
at atmospheric pressure. All these temperatures are solely based on the mass loss and are not…
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Standard specifies testing and labelling requirements for hip protectors used to reduce the risk of hip fracture in the event of a fall.
Annex A provides a test method for measuring the effect of a hip protector in reducing the force to the proximal femur during a simulated fall. The test method is applicable both to hip protectors that are designed to withstand a…
Code for digester gas, landfill gas, and biogas generation and utilization
1 Scope
1.1 General
This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, storage, and utilization of digester gas in newly constructed wastewater treatment plants, as well as additions to and upgrading of existing systems.
This Code applies to the installation of systems for the production, handling, and utilization of landfill gas in newly constructed…
Information technology — Small computer system interface (SCSI) — Part 415: SCSI architecture model ...
This standard defines PHY and MAC specifications for high data rate wireless connectivity (typically over 200 Mbps) with fixed, portable, and moving devices. Data rates are high enough to satisfy a set of consumer multimedia industry needs, as well as to support emerging wireless switched point-to-point and high rate close proximity point-to-point applications.
Information technology - MPEG systems technologies - Part 15: Carriage of web resources in ISOBMFF
This document specifies how the format defined in ISO/IEC 14496-12 can be used to store web resources (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) and defines brands to identify files conforming to this document. It also specifies hypothetical processing for how these files can be consumed by web browsers.
The specified storage enables the delivery of synchronized media and web resources as supported by ISO/IEC…
Information technology - Extensible biometric data interchange formats - Part 1: Framework
This document specifies:
— rules and guidelines for defining extensible biometric data interchange formats that are extensible without invalidating previous data structures;
— the meaning of common data elements for use in extensible biometric data interchange formats;
— common data structures for tagged binary data formats based on an extensible specification in ASN.1;
— common…
Information technology — Extensible biometric data interchange formats — Part 1: Framework
This document specifies:
— rules and guidelines for defining extensible biometric data interchange formats that are extensible without invalidating previous data structures;
— the meaning of common data elements for use in extensible biometric data interchange formats;
— common data structures for tagged binary data formats based on an extensible specification in ASN.1;
— common…
Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 15: Carriage of web resources in ISOBMFF
This document specifies how the format defined in ISO/IEC 14496-12 can be used to store web resources (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.) and defines brands to identify files conforming to this document. It also specifies hypothetical processing for how these files can be consumed by web browsers.
The specified storage enables the delivery of synchronized media and web resources as supported by ISO/IEC…
Application of ubiquitous public access to-geographic information to an air quality information serv...
This document facilitates an understanding of the Ubiquitous Public Access (UPA) context information model, as defined in ISO 19154, to establish a UPA-to-Geographic Information (GI) environment. In addition, this document illustrates how the UPA context information model is designed and implemented to provide an air quality information service from a geographic information system (GIS)-based air…