Space systems — Structural design — Loads and induced environment
This International Standard defines the principles used to determine loads and the induced environment during the
service life of a space flight vehicle and its components, taking account of the notions of probability, combined
loads, corresponding safety factors and lifecycle.
Solid biofuels — Determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes — Part 1: Pellets
ISO 17831-1:2015 defines a determination method for testing the mechanical durability of pellets. The mechanical durability is a measure of the resistance of compressed fuels towards shocks and/or abrasion as a consequence of handling and transportation.
Systèmes de transport intelligents — Identification unique au niveau global
This document
— describes and specifies globally unique addresses and identifiers (ITS-S object identifiers) which are both internal and external to ITS stations and are used for ITS station management,
— describes how ITS-S object identifiers and related technical parameters are used for classification, registration and management of ITS applications and ITS application classes…