Information technology - Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) - Technical Report on Information Deri...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO/IEC TR 23272:2006.
1 Scope
This Technical Report is intended as an aid for understanding the libraries specified in Standard ECMA-335,
Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries. That Partition includes a machine-readable specification, in XML, of the
types that comprise the standard libraries. This Technical Report, in…
Wind Turbine Generator Systems - Part 11: Acoustic Noise Measurement Techniques
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard IEC 61400-11:2002+A1:2006.
1 Scope
This part of IEC 61400 presents measurement procedures that enable noise emissions of a wind turbine to be characterised. This involves using measurement methods appropriate to noise emission assessment at locations close to the machine, in order to avoid errors due to sound propagation,…
Software and systems engineering — Life cycle management — Guidelines for process description
An increasing number of international, national and industry standards describe process models. These models are developed for a range of purposes including process implementation and assessment. The terms and descriptions used in such models vary in format, content and level of prescription. ISO/IEC TR 24774:2007 presents guidelines for the elements used most frequently in describing a process:…
Software and systems engineering - Life cycle management - Guidelines for process description
An increasing number of international, national and industry standards describe process models. These models are developed for a range of purposes including process implementation and assessment. The terms and descriptions used in such models vary in format, content and level of prescription. ISO/IEC TR 24774:2007 presents guidelines for the elements used most frequently in describing a process:…
Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment
IEC 61157:2007 specifies a standard means and format for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment. The numerical values for reporting purposes represent the average values for the maximum output conditions for a given discrete- or combined-operating mode and are derived from measurements made in water. Intensity parameters are specified in this standard, but…
Standard means for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment
IEC 61157:2007 specifies a standard means and format for the reporting of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment. The numerical values for reporting purposes represent the average values for the maximum output conditions for a given discrete- or combined-operating mode and are derived from measurements made in water. Intensity parameters are specified in this standard, but…
Security management systems for the supply chain — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certi...
ISO 28003:2007 contains principles and requirements for bodies providing the audit and certification of supply chain security management systems according to management system specifications and standards such as ISO 28000.
It defines the minimum requirements of a certification body and its associated auditors, recognizing the unique need for confidentiality when auditing and certifying/…
Dentistry — Implantable materials for bone filling and augmentation in oral and maxillofacial surger...
ISO 22794:2007 applies to implantable materials, whether resorbable or non-resorbable, used as dental devices for filling and augmenting bones in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Products that are essentially pure (greater than 90 %) hydroxyapatite are not covered by this International Standard.
Evaluation includes the physico-chemical, mechanical, biological and clinical aspects and behaviour of…
Health informatics — Vocabulary of compositional terminological systems
ISO 17115:2007 defines a set of basic concepts required to describe formal concept representation systems, especially for health sciences, and describes representation of concepts and characteristics, for use especially in formal computer-based concept representation systems. A main motivation is to make it possible to precisely describe content models described in other International Standards…
Information and documentation — International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) — Part 2: Version i...
ISO 15706-2:2007 establishes a voluntary system for the identification of versions of audiovisual works and other content derived from or closely related to an audiovisual work. It is based on the International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) system defined in ISO 15706:2002. An ISAN combined with the version segment, as specified in ISO 15706-2:2007 constitutes an ISAN version identifier, is…