The method is applicable to undyed wool in any form, for example loose fibre, sliver, yarn or fabric. It is also applicable to dyed wool when the amount of dye extracted during the test does not interfere with the determination of the end-point of the titration. The determined value is expressed as a percentage by mass.
Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use (including foodstuffs) — Determination of total carbo...
Specifies the treatment of a test portion with an excess of carbonate-free sodium hydoxide solution. Elimination of ammonia by boiling. Precipitation of carbon dioxide by an excess of barium chloride. Neutralization with hydrochloric acid solution using thymolphthalein as indicator. Addition of an excess of standard volumetric hydrochloric solution and back-titration with standard volumetric…
Wool — Determination of dichloromethane-soluble matter in combed sliver
Wool textiles may contain solvent-extractable oils and fats. The amount of these substances present depends on the stage of manufacture, and its estimation is important for determining the clean wool content of a sample. The method is only applicable to 100 % wool products. It may give misleading results if applied to products in which fibres other than wool are present.
Wood — Determination of moisture content for physical and mechanical tests
Specifies a method that determines, by weighing, the loss in mass of the test piece on drying to constant mass. Calculation of the loss in mass as a percentage of test piece mass after drying. Reference is made to ISO 3129.
Wood — Determination of density for physical and mechanical tests
The method described determines the moisture content at the time of test and in the absolutely dry condition as well as the mass ratio in the absolutely dry condition to volume of the test piece with moisture content greater than or equal to the fibre saturation point.
Ammonium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use (including foodstuffs) — Determination of ash — Gravi...
Applicable to ash contents equal to or more than 0.0001 % (m/m). The principle consists in heating a test portion at low flame in a well-ventilated fume cupboard. After complete volatilization, heating in a furnace at a temperature of (575 25) °C to constant mass.
Sulphuric acid and oleums for industrial use — Determination of sulphur dioxide content — Iodometric...
Applicable of products the SO2 content of which is equal to or more than 2 mg/kg. Based on the displacement of the sulphur dioxide present in the test portion by a current of pure nitrogen and absorption in a known volume of iodine solution. Titration of the excess of iodine with standard volumetric sodium thiosulphate solution. The diagram of the glass apparatus for absorption is shown in a…
Analysis of soaps — Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content
The method consists in decomposition of the soap by a known volume of standard volumetric mineral acid solution, extraction and separation of the liberated fatty matter with light petroleum and determination of a total alkali content by titration of the excess of acid contained in the aqueous phase with a standard volumetric sodium hydroxide solution. After evaporation of the light petroleum from…