Ferrotungsten — Determination of tungsten content — Cinchonine gravimetric method
The method is applicable to ferrotungsten having tungsten contents between 70 and 90 % (m/m). Specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sample, procedure, expression of results and test report. It also specifies, in the annex, a spectrometric method for the determination of molybdenum which interferes with the determination.
Manganese ores and concentrates — Determination of arsenic content — Spectrometric method
The method is applicable to products having an arsenic content of 0,001 to 0.2 % (m/m). Should be read in conjunction with ISO 4297. Specifies principle, reactions, reagents, apparatus, sample, procedure and expression of results. A figure illustrates the apparatus for the distillation of arsenic.
Copper alloys — Determination of lead content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
The method is applicable to contents of lead as an alloying element or an impurity between 0.01 and 5.0 % (m/m). By appropriate modification of sample mass, the lower limit may be extended to 0.002 % (m/m). ISO 4749 specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sampling, procedure, expression of results and test report.
Copper alloys — Determination of nickel content — Gravimetric method
The method is applicable to the determination of nickel contents between 2 and 50 % (m/m). ISO 4742 specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, procedure, expression of results and test report. Normal precautions regarding the use of perchloride acid in laboratory work should be observed.
Leather — Determination of nitrogen content and "hide substance" — Titrimetric method
The principle consists in decomposition of a test portion by Kjeldahl method, distillation of the ammonia liberated, determination of the nitrogen content by titration of the ammonia with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, using phenolphthalein as indicator. The method is applicable to all types of leather in all types of tannage.
Leather — Determination of total silicon content — Reduced molybdosilicate spectrometric method
Principle: oxydation of a test portion in a Parr bomb under alkaline conditions to destroy organic matter and to solubilize the mineral matter. Formation of molybdosilicate complex and spectrometric measurement at a wavelength of 630 nm.
Earth-moving machinery — Operation and maintenance — Format and content of manuals
Establishes guidelines on the general rules necessary for the preparation and preservation of manuals for earth-moving machinery. A manual shall be simple to understand and have adequate explanatory notes, incorporate the use of internationally recognized symbols, and be easy to use and compact.
Specification for solventless polymerisable resinous compounds used for electrical insulation - Part...
Gives methods for tests for thermosetting coating powders as defined in Sub-clause 3.7 of IEC 60455-1. These tests are for material before cure and in cured form. The contents of the corrigendum of August 1991 have been included in this copy.