Quality Management and Quality System Elements - Guidelines (Adoption of ISo
Standard 9004:1987)
This National Standard of Canada is identical in content and in
layout with International Standard ISO 9004:1987, Quality
Management and Quality System Elements - Guidelines. It
describes a basic set of elements by which quality management
systems can be developed and implemented.
Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents
The method consists in dissolving of a test portion in chloroform, extracting of free glycerol from this sulution with acetic acid solution, oxidizing of 1-monoglycerides in the chloroform solution by an excess of periodic acid solution, adding of potassium iodide and titration of the liberated iodine with a sodium thiosulfate standard volumetric solution. Oxidation of free glycerol in the…
Instant coffee — Determination of free-flow and compacted bulk densities
The principle of the determination of the fee-flow bulk density consists in pouring a sample through a specified funnel into a specified receptacle of known volume and weighing the contents of the receptacle. In order to determine the compacted bulk density a volume of a given mass of the product shall be measured after a fixed number of taps (usually 300) in a tapping volumeter. Three figures…
Check of the calibration of moisture meters — Part 2: Moisture meters for oilseeds
For each specien to be tested using the meter, the methods consist in preparing of several test samples, or a range of test samples, with different moisture contents, under specified conditions, determining of their moisture contents by a reference method, and measuring with the meter to be checked. Information concerning the maximum permitted errors is given in an annex.
Lays down die requirements for a scheme to indicate, by appropriate marking, the functions or contents of rigid pipe assemblies in aircraft and spacecraft systems, but excluding those in aero-engines with the exception of those which connect directly to the airframe systems at their break points. These requirements may also be applied to hose assemblies, if desired. The purpose of the scheme is…