Textile Test Methods Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures - Microscopic
Count Method
This is a physical method of quantitative analysis and may be
used to analyze mixtures of fibres that cannot be separated
chemically. It is particularly applicable to blends known to
consist of linenC and cotton, linen and viscose, or mixtures of
wool and other animal fibres.
Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures - Flotation Method
1.1 This standard describes a physical method of quantitative analysis. The method may be used to analyze mixtures of fibres that differ in density by at least 0.15 g/mL. The method may also be used when chemical methods of analysis are not suitable. The solvents used must not change the density of fibres.
1.2 The accuracy of the method depends upon sufficient difference…
Textile Test Methods Quantitative Analysis of Fibre Mixtures - Binary
Mixtures Containing Certain...
Describes a procedure for the quantitative analysis of binary
mixtures of certain spandex fibres with nylon 6, nylon 6,6,
viscose and acrylic fibres by removal of the spandex component.
Methods of measurement on radio receivers for various classes of emission. Part 1: General considera...
Applies to radio receivers of any kind excluding television receivers, and to the parts of which they are composed, or which are used as auxiliaries to such receivers. Deals with the determination of performance, the comparison of equipment and the determination of proper practical applications by listing the characteristics useful for specifications and laying down uniform methods of measurement…
Ethylene for industrial use — Determination of traces of polar compounds — Preparation of condensate...
Specifies a method of sampling by scrubbing at dry ice temperature (195 K). Permits the concentration of traces of all the less volatile polar compounds (water, alcohols, esters, acids, amines, etc.) in a small amount of liquid phase practically without any interference due to adsorption phenomena on the relatively small internal surfaces of the scrubbing absorber. This sampling technique permits…