Appareillage à basse tension — Partie 7-4 : Matériels accessoires — Blocs de jonction pour cartes de...
1.1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de la CEI 60947 spécifie les exigences concernant les blocs de jonction
pour cartes de circuits imprimés destinés principalement à un usage industriel ou similaire.
Le montage et la fixation sur la carte de circuits imprimés s'effectuent par brasage, insertion à
force ou par des méthodes équivalentes afin d'assurer une connexion…
1 Scope
This Standard applies to the following products rated at 600 V and less, and designed to be used in non- hazardous locations in accordance with the Rules of CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part I:
cord reels for general use and special use cord reels intended to be mounted on or in utilization equipment such as appliances, portable luminaires, extension cord set storage…
Residual direct current detecting device (RDC-DD) to be used for mode 3 charging of electric vehicle...
IEC 62955:2018 applies to residual direct current detecting devices (RDC-DD) for permanently connected AC electric vehicle charging stations (mode 3 charging of electric vehicles, according to IEC 61851-1 and IEC 60364-7-722), hereafter referred to as RDC-MD (residual direct current monitoring device) or RDC-PD (residual direct current protective device), for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V AC…
Medical electrical equipment — Part 2-49: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential...
IEC 80601-2-49:2018 applies to basic safety and essential performance requirements of multifunction patient monitors, hereafter referred to as ME equipment or medical electrical systems. This particular standard applies to multifunction patient monitors intended for use in professional healthcare facilities as well as in the emergency medical service environment or the home healthcare environment…
ISO 2974:2018 specifies the dimensional requirements of end-connections for high-pressure fuel injection equipment components, used on diesel (compression-ignition) engines.
ISO 2974:2018 is applicable to externally threaded 60° female cones (see Figures 1, 2, 5, and 6) and intended for use with high-pressure fuel injection pipe assemblies with tube outside diameters of:
- up to and…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and met...
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-15-4:2018 defines the physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) sublayer specifications for low-data-rate wireless connectivity with fixed, portable, and moving devices with no battery or very limited battery consumption requirements. In addition, the standard provides modes that allow for precision ranging. PHYs are defined for devices operating various license-free…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and met...
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-15-4:2018 defines the physical layer (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) sublayer specifications for low-data-rate wireless connectivity with fixed, portable, and moving devices with no battery or very limited battery consumption requirements. In addition, the standard provides modes that allow for precision ranging. PHYs are defined for devices operating various license-free…
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-49: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential...
IEC 80601-2-49:2018 applies to basic safety and essential performance requirements of multifunction patient monitors, hereafter referred to as ME equipment or medical electrical systems. This particular standard applies to multifunction patient monitors intended for use in professional healthcare facilities as well as in the emergency medical service environment or the home healthcare environment…
Electrical energy storage (EES) systems - Part 1: Vocabulary
IEC 62933-1:2018 defines terms applicable to electrical energy storage (EES) systems including terms necessary for the definition of unit parameters, test methods, planning, installation, safety and environmental issues.
This terminology document is applicable to grid-connected systems able to extract electrical energy from an electric power system, store it internally, and inject electrical…
Systèmes de stockage de l'énergie électrique (EES) - Partie 1: Vocabulaire
L’IEC 62933-1:2018 définit les termes applicables aux systèmes de stockage de l’énergie électrique (EES), y compris les termes nécessaires à la définition des paramètres unitaires, des méthodes d’essai, de la planification, de l’installation, de la sécurité et des questions environnementales.
Ce document de terminologie est applicable aux systèmes connectés au réseau capables d’extraire l’…