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Displaying 37 - 41 of 41
Standardization Solutions to Remove Trade Barriers...
The case studies and priorities outlined in this report will help steer the conversation on how to continue to align standards in order to reduce red tape and administrative burden for Canadian businesses and lead to...
Rising Seas and Shifting Sands
Combining natural and grey infrastructure to protect Canada’s eastern and western coastal communities This report describes how Canada can scale-up the use of nature-based solutions, in tandem with grey infrastructure, to...
When One Size Does Not Protect All: Understanding...
As part of our work to improve gender equality, SCC has done a cross-country analysis, using data from 106 countries, of the impact of gender on standardization. This ground-breaking research is captured in SCC’s new report...
Diversity and inclusion
Canada’s climate is changing twice as fast as the global average, and it is affecting our built environment: the places we live and work. Our smallest communities to our largest cities need standardization to help address current and future challenges so...
The Case for Aligning Requirements for Water ...
This report, undertaken by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), focuses on increasing internal trade by addressing the ways standards can act as a barrier to trade. It explores the issues with CRN requirements in Canada...