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Displaying 169 - 178 of 178
(Infographic) CSA S520:22, Design and construction...
Infographic - CSA S520:22, Design and construction of low-rise residential and small buildings to resist high wind
Getting Aligned. How Adopting Standards Affects...
This 25-page report, commissioned by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and produced by the Conference Board of Canada, clarifies and confirms the essential role that standards play in Canada’s economic growth and labour...
National Technical Specifications
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) has released a faster and cost-competitive path to standardization that helps support cutting-edge innovators. The new National Technical Specifications (TS) tool was developed with the...
Design and construction of low-rise residential...
Best practice guidance for homeowners, insurance and other decision-makers to help reduce risk.
SCC’s Member Code of Conduct
This document establishes the expectations for the conduct of members participating in international standardization.
Increasing High Wind Safety for Canadian Homes...
This report provides the basis for the development of a set of commonly acceptable, relatively straightforward wind risk reduction measures that can be incorporated into new single-family home construction and significant...
The Case for Aligning Requirements for Water ...
This report, undertaken by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), focuses on increasing internal trade by addressing the ways standards can act as a barrier to trade. It explores the issues with CRN requirements in Canada...
SCC Requirements and Guidance for the Presentation...
This document provides guidance in the preparation of the Scope of Testing or Proficiency Testing Providers to be presented for submission to the SCC Program for Accreditation of Laboratories with an application for...