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Displaying 757 - 763 of 763
Global Perspectives on Standardization: Lessons...
The 17-page report highlights SCC’s two-day strategic exchange held April 14-15, 2014, with its U.S., European and Australian counterparts. Global Perspectives brings together the views of several distinguished leaders of the...
Effective dates for electrical equipment safety...
Electrical safety is regulated in Canada. As such, SCC-accredited certification bodies in this area are required to certify products according to standards, other recognized document or other normative documents recognized by...
High-wind design of new woodframe houses has ...
Severe windstorms are growing in frequency and magnitude of loss. Major damaging tornadoes struck Ottawa/Gatineau in September 2018 and in Barrie in July 2021, resulting in $344 million and $107 million in insured loss...
Discerning signal from noise: The state of global...
This white paper aims to equip SCC's AI and Data Governance Standardization Collaborative with the information necessary to understand how best to leverage AI standards and conformity assessment to advance Canada’s interests...
Increasing High Wind Safety for Canadian Homes...
This report provides the basis for the development of a set of commonly acceptable, relatively straightforward wind risk reduction measures that can be incorporated into new single-family home construction and significant...
Beyond Disclosure: Driving Performance & Trust...
Getting beyond greenwashing through standardization Environmental, Social and Governance performance (or ESG) is an increasingly important topic amongst organizations around the world, driven in large part by growing consumer...
Standardization Solutions to Remove Trade Barriers...
The case studies and priorities outlined in this report will help steer the conversation on how to continue to align standards in order to reduce red tape and administrative burden for Canadian businesses and lead to...