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Guidelines for addressing climate change in standards
A standard for standards developers to incorporate climate change adaptation and mitigation in planning, drafting, revising and updating standards.
Standards are vital to securing a sustainable future and Canada’s economic prosperity. To realize this potential, we educate today’s innovators, businesses and future industry leaders on the value of standardization and how to leverage its benefits...
Every Standard Counts – How Standardization Boosts...
Standards touch all facets of our lives. They are embedded in the products, processes and services we rely on in both work and personal lives, from the food sold in grocery stores to the skyscrapers that enable the expansion...
Annual Report 2017-2018: Advancing Solutions, ...
The Standards Council of Canada is pleased to publish our 2017–18 Annual Report, Advancing Solutions, Delivering Results.
Natural Gas for Transportation Deployment Roadmap
In March 2010, Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) convened a group of senior stakeholders to launch the development of a deployment roadmap for increasing the use of natural gas in Canada's transportation sector. The roadmap...