Refine Results
Displaying 8833 - 8844 of 11660
Notice of Intent
Petroleum and natural gas industries – Site Specific...
This part of ISO 19905 provides a commentary to some clauses of ISO 19905-1 including background information, supporting documentation, and additional or alternative calculation methods as applicable and also provides a...
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods – Bootlaces and Shoelaces...
This method determines the length of bootlaces and shoelaces. The method applies to bulk and cut laces.
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods – Fabric Thickness
This method measures the thickness of textile fabrics as determined between parallel plane surfaces under an arbitrary pressure. Since all textile fabrics are compressible, the thickness measured will depend upon the pressure...
Notice of Intent
Secondary cells and batteries for renewable energy...
This part of the IEC 61427 series gives general information relating to the requirements for the secondary batteries used in photovoltaic energy systems (PVES) and to the typical methods of test used for the verification of...
Notice of Intent
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Supralaryngeal...
ISO 11712:2009 provides the essential requirements for the design of supralaryngeal airways and connectors. These devices are intended to open and seal the supralaryngeal area to provide an unobstructed airway in patients...
Notice of Intent
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Nebulizing...
ISO 27427:2013 specifies requirements for the safety and performance testing of general purpose nebulizing systems intended for continuous or breath-actuated delivery of liquids, in aerosol form, to humans through the...
Notice of Intent
Anaesthetic reservoir bags
ISO 5362:2006 specifies requirements for antistatic and non-antistatic reservoir bags for use with anaesthetic apparatus or lung-ventilator breathing systems. It includes requirements for the design of the neck, size...
Notice of Intent
Tracheobronchial tubes - Sizing and marking
ISO 16628:2008 provides requirements for size designation and labelling of tracheobronchial tubes, including colour coding of the bronchial cuff and its associated pilot balloon. Tracheobronchial tubes that include bronchus...
Notice of Intent
Standard Methods of Test for Air Ducts
These requirements apply to materials for the fabrication of air duct systems for use in accordance with the requirements in the National Building Code of Canada. The materials covered by these requirements include preformed...