Refine Results
Displaying 8821 - 8832 of 11660
Notice of Intent
Nanomaterials - Preparation of safety data sheets
ISO/TR 13329:2012 provides guidance on the development of content for, and consistency in, the communication of information on safety, health and environmental matters in safety data sheets (SDS) for substances classified as...
Information Technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging - Part 3: AMH22 - IPM Requirements for Message Transfer (P1)
Information Technology - International Standardized Profiles AMH2n - Message Handling Systems - Interpersonal Messaging - Part 5: AMH24 - IPM Requirements for Enhanced MS Access (P7)
Notice of Intent
Petroleum and natural gas industries – Site Specific...
This part of ISO 19905 provides a commentary to some clauses of ISO 19905-1 including background information, supporting documentation, and additional or alternative calculation methods as applicable and also provides a...
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods – Bootlaces and Shoelaces...
This method determines the length of bootlaces and shoelaces. The method applies to bulk and cut laces.
Notice of Intent
Textile Test Methods – Fabric Thickness
This method measures the thickness of textile fabrics as determined between parallel plane surfaces under an arbitrary pressure. Since all textile fabrics are compressible, the thickness measured will depend upon the pressure...
Notice of Intent
Gas mixers for medical use - Stand-alone gas ...
Gives requirements for the performance and safety of stand-alone gas mixers intended for medical use and for connection to a medical gas supply system.