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Displaying 8449 - 8460 of 11632
Notice of Intent

IT Security techniques - Test tool requirements...

This document specifies the test calibration methods and apparatus used when calibrating test tools for cryptographic modules under ISO/IEC 19790 and ISO/IEC 24759 against the test metrics defined in ISO/IEC 17825 for...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Automatic identification...

This document defines the requirements for the symbology known as extended rectangular data matrix (DMRE). It specifies the DMRE code symbology characteristics, data character encodation, symbol formats, dimensions and print...
Notice of Intent

Information technology for learning, education...

This document specifies guidelines for mapping between different learning analytics data representations. Using xAPI and IMS Caliper as reference specifications, this document introduces data API regarding learning analytics...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Cloud computing - Edge...

This document examines the concept of edge computing, its relationship to cloud computing and IoT, and the technologies that are key to the implementation of edge computing. This document explores the following topics with...
Notice of Intent

Internet of Things (IoT) - Interoperability for...

This part of IEC 21823 specifies a framework and requirements for transport interoperability, in order to enable the construction of IoT systems with information exchange, peer-to-peer connectivity and seamless communication...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Conformance testing ...

This part of ISO/IEC 29109 specifies elements of conformance testing methodology, test assertions, and test procedures as applicable to ISO/IEC 19794-4. It establishes ⎯ test assertions of the structure of the finger image...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Conformance testing ...

This part of ISO/IEC 29109 specifies elements of conformance testing methodology, test assertions, and test procedures as applicable to ISO/IEC 19794-6:2005. This part of ISO/IEC 29109 establishes test assertions of the...
Notice of Intent

Information technology -- Security techniques...

This part of ISO/IEC 20009 specifies anonymous entity authentication mechanisms based on signatures using a group public key in which a verifier verifies a group signature scheme to authenticate the entity with which it is...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Conformance testing ...

This document specifies the concepts, framework, test methods, and criteria required to test conformity of biometric products claiming conformance to BioAPI (see ISO/IEC 19784-1). Guidelines for specifying BioAPI conformance...
Notice of Intent

Information technology - Conformance testing ...

This part of ISO/IEC 24709 defines a number of test assertions written in the assertion language specified in ISO/IEC 24709-1. This part of ISO/IEC 24709 specifies what subset of all the test assertions defined herein are to...
Notice of Intent

Information technology -- Conformance testing...

This part of ISO/IEC 24709 defines a number of test assertions written in the assertion language specified in ISO/IEC 24709-1:2007. This part of ISO/IEC 24709 specifies all the test assertions that are to be executed for...