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Displaying 8365 - 8376 of 11648
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Security techniques - ...
This part of ISO/IEC 18033 specifies identity-based encryption mechanisms. For each mechanism the functional interface, the precise operation of the mechanism, and the ciphertext format are specified. However, conforming...
Notice of Intent
IT Security techniques - Encryption algorithms...
This document specifies the following mechanisms for homomorphic encryption. — Exponential ElGamal encryption; — Paillier encryption. For each mechanism, this document specifies the process for: — generating parameters and...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Security techniques - ...
This document specifies principles, including a general model, a set of entities, a number of processes, and general requirements for blind digital signature mechanisms, as well as the following variants of blind digital...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Security techniques - ...
ISO/IEC 19592 (all parts) specifies cryptographic secret sharing schemes and their properties. This document defines the parties involved in a secret sharing scheme, the terminology used in the context of secret sharing...
Notice of Intent
IT security techniques - Competence requirements...
This document defines terms and establishes an organized set of concepts and relationships to understand the competency requirements for information security assurance conformance-testing and evaluation specialists, thereby...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Biometric data interchange...
First edition is still active. This part of ISO/IEC 19794 specifies general aspects for the usage of biometric data structures, the types of biometric data structure, a naming concept for biometric data structures, a coding...
Notice of Intent
Cloud computing - Service level agreement (SLA...
This document specifies security and protection of personally identifiable information components, SLOs and SQOs for cloud service level agreements (cloud SLA) including requirements and guidance. This document is for the...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - MPEG systems technologies...
This document specifies the partial file format, which is a generic format for describing file partially received over lossy communication channels. This format contains the correctly received data, missing block...
Notice of Intent
Software and systems engineering - Certification...
This document is part one of the ISO/IEC 24773 series. It contains the requirements which will be common to all other parts of the ISO/IEC 24773 series, for certifications (schemes and bodies) in the domain of software and...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Learning, education ...
This document specifies two methods for adaptive content automation. Firstly, a learning environment profile for the expression of device and learning environment information required for mobile learning providers of both...
Notice of Intent
Information technology - Cloud computing - Framework...
This document describes a framework of trust for the processing of multi-sourced data that includes data use obligations and controls, data provenance, chain of custody, security and immutable proof of compliance as elements...
Notice of Intent
Agricultural tractors and machinery -- Power ...
This part of ISO 500 specifies the dimensions of the master shield and clearance zones for rear-mounted power take-offs (PTO) of types 1 and 2 on narrow-track (track width 1 150 mm or less) agricultural tractors.