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Displaying 73 - 84 of 11586
Notice of Intent
Organic Aquaculture Standards
1. SCOPE 1.1 Foods and other aquaculture products shall refer to organic production methods only if they comply with this standard and local regulations. 1.2 This standard applies to the following products to the extent that...
Report on Electronic Healthcare and Standards, prepared by SCC for Industry Canada
This report has been prepared by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) for Industry Canada. It summarizes the presentations and outcomes of three sessions presented as part of an Open Session on Healthcare held in Ottawa on...
Environmental standards insights: Interview with...
Benoit Desforges has long understood that public service goes beyond his 9-5 federal job, although he’s spent a significant part of his life in that role. Currently the Vice-President of the Energy Directorate at Measurement...
Notice of Intent
Organic Aquaculture Standards
English: SCOPE 1.1 Foods and other aquaculture products shall refer to organic production methods only if they comply with this standard and local regulations. 1.2 This standard applies to the following products to the extent...
CSA Group publishes workshop agreement on future...
Document identifies and explores safety, performance, emergency management, siting, and human factors Reducing the environmental impact of all modes of transportation is critical to help Canada meet its decarbonization and...
SCC and CSA Group update infrastructure standards...
Canada’s North is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Current climatic conditions are changing rapidly, and northern communities have been and continue to be disproportionately affected by these changes. As...
Standards Council of Canada is recruiting participants...
We are actively recruiting a broad representation of stakeholders from industry, academia, federal/provincial/municipal government and civil society to participate in our initiative to develop standards and conformity...
The Standards Council of Canada and Electro-Federation...
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and Electro-Federation Canada (EFC) have signed a partnership agreement to help empower and further strengthen the competitiveness of Canada’s electrical industry. This partnership...
Accreditation Bulletin
SCC Policy for Scope Extensions and List of Standards...
Action required SCC has, effective immediately, established a new policy for scope extensions for the addition of standards that the certification body (CB) wishes to use in its certifications issued under SCC accreditation...
Notice of Intent
Standards for concrete pipe and manhole sections
CSA A257.0:19 - Methods for determining physical properties of circular precast concrete pipe, manhole sections, catch basins, and fittings Scope 1.1 This performance Standard applies to circular precast concrete pipe...
A Perspective on U.S. Standardization: A Strategic...
Business, governments and consumer groups interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the U.S. standardization system will want to read the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC’s) latest report, A Perspective on U.S...
Notice of Intent
Standards for concrete pipe and manhole sections
1.1 This Standard applies to circular precast concrete pipe, manhole (maintenance hole) sections, and accessories intended for (a) use as sewer pipe for the conveyance of sewage, industrial wastes, and storm water; and (b)...