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Displaying 1921 - 1932 of 11629
Notice of Intent
Canadian health care facilities
1.1 General 1.1.1 This Standard describes essential elements and specific requirements for the planning, design, and construction of health care facilities (HCFs), both public and private. It applies to all facilities...
Notice of Intent
Canadian health care facilities
1.1 General 1.1.1 This Standard describes essential elements and specific requirements for the planning, design, and construction of health care facilities (HCFs), both public and private. It applies to all facilities...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-3: Particular...
201.1 Scope Clause 1 of the general standard1 applies, except as follows: 201.1.1 Scope Replacement: This particular standard specifies the requirements for the safety of SHORT-WAVE THERAPY EQUIPMENT, hereafter referred to as...
Notice of Intent
Software and systems engineering - Software measurement...
1.1 Purpose This International Standard specifies the set of definitions, rules and steps for applying the IFPUG functional size measurement (FSM) method. 1.2 Conformity This International Standard is conformant with all...
Notice of Intent
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-12: Particular...
Subclause 1.1 of IEC 60601-1:2005, Clause 1 is replaced by: This International Standard applies to the BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of a VENTILATOR in combination with its ACCESSORIES, hereafter referred to as ME...
Notice of Intent
Design and assessment of buildings subjected ...
1.1 General This Standard provides criteria for the analysis and design of new buildings and assessment of existing buildings to resist blast loading. Notes: 1) The main objective of this Standard is to reduce human...
Notice of Intent
Mobility aid securement and occupant restraint...
1.1 This Standard specifies a) general design requirements; b) performance requirements; c) test methods; d) requirements for product marking and labelling; and e) requirements for instructions and warnings for MASOR systems...
Notice of Intent
Standard for Safety for Batteries for Use In ...
1 Scope 1.1 These requirements cover electrical energy storage assemblies such as battery packs and combination battery pack-electrochemical capacitor assemblies and the subassembly/modules that make up these assemblies for...
Notice of Intent
Healthy Enterprise - Prevention, Promotion and...
Purpose This standard specifies significant requirements for prevention, promotion, and organizational practices that contribute to health and wellness in the workplace, including the psychological and social aspects. These...
Notice of Intent
Dry-Type General Purpose and Power Transformers...
CSA C22.2 No. 47 Scope: 1.1 This Standard applies to single-phase and polyphase transformers of the dry type for supplying energy to power, heating, and lighting circuits and designed to be installed and used in accordance...
Notice of Intent
Programming Languages - Technical Specification...
1 This document describes requirements for implementations of an interface that computer programs written in the C++ programming language can use to invoke algorithms with parallel execution. The algorithms described by this...
Notice of Intent
Automotive ethanol fuel (E50-E85)
This National Standard of Canada applies to automotive fuel composed of 50 to 85% by volume denatured fuel ethanol and gasoline strictly for use in flexible fuel vehicles over a wide range of climatic conditions. Fuel...